Guillaume Lavanchy - ARCHIVE

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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11 publications

Evolution of alternative reproductive systems in Bacillus stick insects.
Lavanchy Guillaume, Brandt Alexander, Bastardot Marc, Dumas Zoé, Labédan Marjorie, Massy Morgane, Toubiana William, Van Patrick Tran, Luchetti Andrea, Scali Valerio et al..
Facultative parthenogenesis: a transient state in transitions between sex and obligate asexuality in stick insects?
Larose Chloé, Lavanchy Guillaume, Freitas Susana, Parker Darren, Schwander Tanja, 2023/07/13. PCI Journal. Peer-reviewed.
Biodiversité du campus de l'Université de Lausanne: inventaires floristiques et faunistiques
Séchaud Robin, Zahnd Sacha, Guerra Vincent, Cosandey Vivien, Clément Laura, Schmid Sarah, Lavanchy Guillaume, Roulin Alexandre, Christe Philippe, Vittoz Pascal, 2021. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 100 pp. 231-255. Peer-reviewed.
Buccal swabs: a universal alternative to sample bird DNA
Lavanchy Guillaume, Dufresnes Christophe, 2020. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 99 pp. 73-81. Peer-reviewed.
Lavanchy G., Schwander T., 2019. Current Biology, 29 (1) pp. R9-R11. Peer-reviewed.
A rapid rate of sex-chromosome turnover and non-random transitions in true frogs.
Jeffries D.L., Lavanchy G., Sermier R., Sredl M.J., Miura I., Borzée A., Barrow L.N., Canestrelli D., Crochet P.A., Dufresnes C. et al., 2018/10/05. Nature communications, 9 (1) p. 4088. Peer-reviewed.
Genomic Evidence for Cryptic Speciation in Tree Frogs From the Apennine Peninsula, With Description of Hyla perrini sp. nov
Dufresnes C., Mazepa G., Rodrigues N., Brelsford A., Litvinchuk S.N., Sermier R., Lavanchy G., Betto-Colliard C., Blaser O., Borzée A. et al., 2018. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6 p. 144. Peer-reviewed.
Herps without borders: a new newt case and a review of transalpine alien introductions in western Europe
Dubey S., Lavanchy G., Thiébaud J., Dufresnes C., 2018. Amphibia-Reptilia, 40 pp. 1-15. Peer-reviewed.
Long-term effects of rotational wetland mowing on breeding birds: evidence from a 30-year experiment
Antoniazza M., Clerc C., Le Nédic C., Sattler T., Lavanchy G., 2018. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27 (3) pp. 749–763. Peer-reviewed.
Identifying homomorphic sex chromosomes from wild-caught adults with limited genomic resources.
Brelsford A., Lavanchy G., Sermier R., Rausch A., Perrin N., 2017. Molecular Ecology Resources, 17 (4) pp. 752-759. Peer-reviewed.
Habitat heterogeneity favors asexual reproduction in natural populations of grassthrips.
Lavanchy G., Strehler M., Llanos Roman M.N., Lessard-Therrien M., Humbert J.Y., Dumas Z., Jalvingh K., Ghali K., Fontcuberta García-Cuenca A., Zijlstra B. et al., 2016. Evolution, 70 (8) pp. 1780-1790. Peer-reviewed.
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