Michael Taschner

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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12 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
A conserved antigen induces respiratory Th17-mediated broad serotype protection against pneumococcal superinfection.
Liu X., Van Maele L., Matarazzo L., Soulard D., Alves Duarte da Silva V., de Bakker V., Dénéréaz J., Bock F.P., Taschner M., Ou J. et al., 2024/03/13. Cell host & microbe, 32 (3) pp. 304-314.e8. Peer-reviewed.
Structural basis for plasmid restriction by SMC JET nuclease.
Roisné-Hamelin F., Liu H.W., Taschner M., Li Y., Gruber S., 2024/03/07. Molecular cell, 84 (5) pp. 883-896.e7. Peer-reviewed.
DNA segment capture by Smc5/6 holocomplexes.
Taschner M., Gruber S., 2023/05. Nature structural & molecular biology, 30 (5) pp. 619-628. Peer-reviewed.
Biochemically validated structural model of the 15-subunit intraflagellar transport complex IFT-B.
Petriman N.A., Loureiro-López M., Taschner M., Zacharia N.K., Georgieva M.M., Boegholm N., Wang J., Mourão A., Russell R.B., Andersen J.S. et al., 2022/12/15. The EMBO journal, 41 (24) pp. e112440. Peer-reviewed.
Essential role of Cp190 in physical and regulatory boundary formation.
Kaushal A., Dorier J., Wang B., Mohana G., Taschner M., Cousin P., Waridel P., Iseli C., Semenova A., Restrepo S. et al., 2022/05/13. Science advances, 8 (19) pp. eabl8834. Peer-reviewed.
Nse5/6 inhibits the Smc5/6 ATPase and modulates DNA substrate binding.
Taschner M., Basquin J., Steigenberger B., Schäfer I.B., Soh Y.M., Basquin C., Lorentzen E., Räschle M., Scheltema R.A., Gruber S., 2021/08/02. The EMBO journal, 40 (15) pp. e107807. Peer-reviewed.
CTCF loss has limited effects on global genome architecture in Drosophila despite critical regulatory functions.
Kaushal A., Mohana G., Dorier J., Özdemir I., Omer A., Cousin P., Semenova A., Taschner M., Dergai O., Marzetta F. et al., 2021/02/12. Nature communications, 12 (1) p. 1011. Peer-reviewed.
IFT proteins interact with HSET to promote supernumerary centrosome clustering in mitosis.
Vitre B., Taulet N., Guesdon A., Douanier A., Dosdane A., Cisneros M., Maurin J., Hettinger S., Anguille C., Taschner M. et al., 2020/06/04. EMBO reports, 21 (6) pp. e49234. Peer-reviewed.
Purification and crystal structure of human ODA16: Implications for ciliary import of outer dynein arms by the intraflagellar transport machinery.
Wang J., Taschner M., Petriman N.A., Andersen M.B., Basquin J., Bhogaraju S., Vetter M., Wachter S., Lorentzen A., Lorentzen E., 2020/06. Protein science, 29 (6) pp. 1502-1510. Peer-reviewed.
Self-organization of parS centromeres by the ParB CTP hydrolase.
Soh Y.M., Davidson I.F., Zamuner S., Basquin J., Bock F.P., Taschner M., Veening J.W., De Los Rios P., Peters J.M., Gruber S., 2019/11/29. Science, 366 (6469) pp. 1129-1133. Peer-reviewed.
Membrane association and remodeling by intraflagellar transport protein IFT172.
Wang Q., Taschner M., Ganzinger K.A., Kelley C., Villasenor A., Heymann M., Schwille P., Lorentzen E., Mizuno N., 2018/11/08. Nature communications, 9 (1) p. 4684. Peer-reviewed.
Direct induction of microtubule branching by microtubule nucleation factor SSNA1.
Basnet N., Nedozralova H., Crevenna A.H., Bodakuntla S., Schlichthaerle T., Taschner M., Cardone G., Janke C., Jungmann R., Magiera M.M. et al., 2018/10. Nature cell biology, 20 (10) pp. 1172-1180. Peer-reviewed.
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