Jan Novy

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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137 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2003 | 2002 |
Status epilepticus management in patients with brain tumors. A cohort study.
Tziakouri A., Hottinger A.F., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2024/08. Seizure, 120 pp. 1-4. Peer-reviewed.
Staged treatment response in status epilepticus: Lessons from the SENSE registry.
Beuchat I., Novy J., Rosenow F., Kellinghaus C., Rüegg S., Tilz C., Trinka E., Unterberger I., Uzelac Z., Strzelczyk A. et al., 2024/02. Epilepsia, 65 (2) pp. 338-349. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie: ce qui a changé en 2023 [Neurology: what's new in 2023]
Pizzarotti B., Buhler-Heintze A., Allali G., Rouaud O., Bally J., Michel P., Hirt L., Théaudin M., Pot Kreis C., Ryvlin P. et al., 2024/01/17. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (856-7) pp. 72-75. Peer-reviewed.
The predictive value of highly malignant EEG patterns after cardiac arrest: evaluation of the ERC-ESICM recommendations.
Turella S., Dankiewicz J., Friberg H., Jakobsen J.C., Leithner C., Levin H., Lilja G., Moseby-Knappe M., Nielsen N., Rossetti A.O. et al., 2024/01. Intensive care medicine, 50 (1) pp. 90-102. Peer-reviewed.
Outcome of comatose patients following cardiac arrest: When mRS completes CPC.
Tanaka Gutiez M., Beuchat I., Novy J., Ben-Hamouda N., Rossetti A.O., 2023/11. Resuscitation, 192 p. 109997. Peer-reviewed.
Letter to the editor regarding "early timing of anesthesia in status epilepticus is associated with complete recovery: A 7-year retrospective two-center study".
Alvarez V., Novy J., Beuchat I., Rossetti A.O., 2023/09. Epilepsia, 64 (9) pp. 2530-2531. Peer-reviewed.
Acute Valproate-Induced Encephalopathy in Status Epilepticus: A Registry-Based Assessment.
Loser V., Novy J., Beuchat I., Rossetti A.O., 2023/08. CNS drugs, 37 (8) pp. 725-731. Peer-reviewed.
Relationship between serum neuron-specific enolase and EEG after cardiac arrest: A reappraisal.
Tziakouri A., Novy J., Ben-Hamouda N., Rossetti A.O., 2023/07. Clinical neurophysiology, 151 pp. 100-106. Peer-reviewed.
Status epilepticus prognosis following levetiracetam administration: Analysis of loading doses.
Kuffer I., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2023/07. European journal of neurology, 30 (7) pp. 1957-1962. Peer-reviewed.
Clonazepam Loading Dose in Status Epilepticus: Is More Always Better?
D'Anto J., Beuchat I., Rossetti A.O., Novy J., 2023/06. CNS drugs, 37 (6) pp. 523-529. Peer-reviewed.
Multimodal Prediction of Favorable Outcome After Cardiac Arrest: A Cohort Study.
Vanat A., Lee J.W., Elkhider H., Novy J., Ben-Hamouda N., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2023/06. Critical care medicine, 51 (6) pp. 706-716. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie : ce qui a changé en 2022 [Neurology: what's new in 2022]
Bouvy C., Caranzano L., Allali G., Bally J., Benninger D., Beuchat I., Castro Jimenez M., Di Virgilio G., Hirt L., Michel P. et al., 2023/01/18. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (809-10) pp. 42-45. Peer-reviewed.
Benign EEG for prognostication of favorable outcome after cardiac arrest: A reappraisal.
Fenter H., Ben-Hamouda N., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2023/01. Resuscitation, 182 p. 109637. Peer-reviewed.
Treatment-emergent adverse events and antiseizure medication actual drug load.
Prétat T., Aícua-Rapún I., André P., Lebon S., Rossetti A.O., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., Novy J., 2022/12. Epilepsy & behavior, 137 (Pt A) p. 108980. Peer-reviewed.
Valproate in status epilepticus: Correlation between loading dose, serum levels, and clinical response.
Vijiala S., André P., Buclin T., Decosterd L.A., Rossetti A.O., Novy J., 2022/09. European journal of neurology, 29 (9) pp. 2607-2611. Peer-reviewed.
Neuroprognostication Under ECMO After Cardiac Arrest: Are Classical Tools Still Performant?
Ben-Hamouda N., Ltaief Z., Kirsch M., Novy J., Liaudet L., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2022/08. Neurocritical care, 37 (1) pp. 293-301. Peer-reviewed.
Continuous versus routine EEG in patients after cardiac arrest: Analysis of a randomized controlled trial (CERTA).
Urbano V., Alvarez V., Schindler K., Rüegg S., Ben-Hamouda N., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2022/07. Resuscitation, 176 pp. 68-73. Peer-reviewed.
EEG recording latency in critically ill patients: Impact on outcome. An analysis of a randomized controlled trial (CERTA).
Urbano V., Novy J., Alvarez V., Schindler K., Rüegg S., Rossetti A.O., 2022/07. Clinical neurophysiology, 139 pp. 23-27. Peer-reviewed.
Ketamine in adult super-refractory status epilepticus: Efficacy analysis on a prospective registry.
Caranzano L., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2022/06. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 145 (6) pp. 737-742. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical phenotype modulates brain's myelin and iron content in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Roggenhofer E., Toumpouli E., Seeck M., Wiest R., Lutti A., Kherif F., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., Draganski B., 2022/04. Brain structure & function, 227 (3) pp. 901-911. Peer-reviewed.
Continuous Versus Routine Standardized Electroencephalogram for Outcome Prediction in Critically Ill Adults: Analysis From a Randomized Trial.
Beuchat I., Rossetti A.O., Novy J., Schindler K., Rüegg S., Alvarez V., 2022/02/01. Critical care medicine, 50 (2) pp. 329-334. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Neurology : what's new in 2021]
Vicino A., Allali G., Bally J., Castro Jimenez M., Chiabotti Salvioni P., Hirt L., Hottinger A., Michel P., Novy J., Pot Kreis C. et al., 2022/01/19. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (764-5) pp. 51-55. Peer-reviewed.
Therapeutic drug monitoring of newer generation antiseizure medications at the point of treatment failure.
Fluckiger P., Aícua-Rapún I., André P., Rossetti A.O., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., Novy J., 2022/01. Seizure, 94 pp. 66-69. Peer-reviewed.
Late-life terminal seizure freedom in drug-resistant epilepsy: "Burned-out epilepsy".
Rajakulendran S., Belluzzo M., Novy J., Sisodiya S.M., Koepp M.J., Duncan J.S., Sander J.W., 2021/12/15. Journal of the neurological sciences, 431 p. 120043. Peer-reviewed.
EEG spindles integrity in critical care adults. Analysis of a randomized trial.
Vassallo P., Novy J., Zubler F., Schindler K., Alvarez V., Rüegg S., Rossetti A.O., 2021/12. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 144 (6) pp. 655-662. Peer-reviewed.
FV 1. Can EEG predict present cortical somato-sensory evoked potentials after cardiac arrest?
Beuchat I., Novy J., Barbella G., Oddo M., Rossetti A., 2021/08. Clinical Neurophysiology, 132 (8) pp. e29.
Seizure freedom and plasma levels of newer generation antiseizure medications.
Aícua-Rapún I., André P., Rossetti A.O., Décosterd L.A., Buclin T., Novy J., 2021/08. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 144 (2) pp. 202-208. Peer-reviewed.
Saliva therapeutic drug monitoring of the newer anti-epileptic drugs
Choong E., Novy J., Decosterd L., Buclin T., Rossetti A., Stampfli C., Vassalo P., Andre P., Aícua-Rapún I., 2021/04/15., Spring Meeting of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology dans SSPT 2021 Spring Meeting: Abstract Book. Peer-reviewed, Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology.
Continuous versus routine EEG in critically ill adults: reimbursement analysis of a randomised trial.
Urbano V., Novy J., Schindler K., Rüegg S., Alvarez V., Zubler F., Oddo M., Lee J.W., Rossetti A.O., 2021/03/15. Swiss medical weekly, 151 pp. w20477. Peer-reviewed.
Informed consent in critically ill adults participating to a randomized trial.
Guinchard M., Warpelin-Decrausaz L., Schindler K., Rüegg S., Oddo M., Novy J., Alvarez V., Rossetti A.O., 2021/02. Brain and behavior, 11 (2) pp. e01965. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Recent Advances in Neurology]
Anichini A., Salvioni Chiabotti P., Bally J., Castro Jimenez M., Démonet J.F., Di Virgilio G., Hirt L., Hottinger A., Kuntzer T., Michel P. et al., 2021/01/27. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (723) pp. 196-200. Peer-reviewed.
Cardiac phenotype in ATP1A3-related syndromes: A multicenter cohort study.
Balestrini S., Mikati M.A., Álvarez-García-Rovés R., Carboni M., Hunanyan A.S., Kherallah B., McLean M., Prange L., De Grandis E., Gagliardi A. et al., 2020/11/24. Neurology, 95 (21) pp. e2866-e2879. Peer-reviewed.
Continuous vs Routine Electroencephalogram in Critically Ill Adults With Altered Consciousness and No Recent Seizure : A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial
Rossetti Andrea O., Schindler Kaspar, Sutter Raoul, Rüegg Stephan, Zubler Frédéric, Novy Jan, Oddo Mauro, Warpelin-Decrausaz Loane, Alvarez Vincent, 2020/10/01. JAMA Neurology, 77 (10) p. 1225. Peer-reviewed.
EEG patterns associated with present cortical SSEP after cardiac arrest.
Beuchat I., Novy J., Barbella G., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2020/08. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 142 (2) pp. 181-185. Peer-reviewed.
Hypophosphatemia compared to classical biomarkers of tonic clonic seizures.
Barbella G., Barras P., Rossetti A.O., Novy J., 2020/07. Epilepsy research, 163 p. 106326. Peer-reviewed.
Prediction of regaining consciousness despite an early epileptiform EEG after cardiac arrest.
Barbella G., Lee J.W., Alvarez V., Novy J., Oddo M., Beers L., Rossetti A.O., 2020/04/21. Neurology, 94 (16) pp. e1675-e1683. Peer-reviewed.
Added value of somato-sensory evoked potentials amplitude for prognostication after cardiac arrest.
Barbella G., Novy J., Marques-Vidal P., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2020/04. Resuscitation, 149 pp. 17-23. Peer-reviewed.
Prognostic role of EEG identical bursts in patients after cardiac arrest: Multimodal correlation.
Barbella G., Novy J., Marques-Vidal P., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2020/03/01. Resuscitation, 148 pp. 140-144. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Neurology 2019]
Perrenoud M., Pantazou V., Michel P., Hirt L., Ryvlin P., Theaudin M., Rouaud O., Benninger D., Novy J., Rossetti A.O. et al., 2020/01/15. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (676-7) pp. 68-71. Peer-reviewed.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Newer Antiepileptic Drugs: A Randomized Trial for Dosage Adjustment.
Aícua-Rapún I., André P., Rossetti A.O., Ryvlin P., Hottinger A.F., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., Novy J., 2020/01. Annals of neurology, 87 (1) pp. 22-29. Peer-reviewed.
Genomic and clinical predictors of lacosamide response in refractory epilepsies.
Heavin S.B., McCormack M., Wolking S., Slattery L., Walley N., Avbersek A., Novy J., Sinha S.R., Radtke R., Doherty C. et al., 2019/12. Epilepsia open, 4 (4) pp. 563-571. Peer-reviewed.
A potential role of hypophosphatemia for diagnosing convulsive seizures: A case-control study.
Barras P., Siclari F., Hügli O., Rossetti A.O., Lamy O., Novy J., 2019/08. Epilepsia, 60 (8) pp. 1580-1585. Peer-reviewed.
La prise en charge des patients souffrant d’épilepsie a évolué sur plusieurs aspects ces dernières années.
Novy J., Seeck M., 2019/04/24. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (648) p. 851. Peer-reviewed.
Règlements concernant la conduite : première crise et épilepsie [Driving rules : first seizure and epilepsy]
De Stefano P., Novy J., Seeck M., 2019/04/24. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (648) pp. 866-869. Peer-reviewed.
Suivi du traitement médicamenteux de l’épilepsie : à quoi penser ? [The follow-up of antiepileptic drug therapy]
Novy J., Seeck M., 2019/04/24. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (648) pp. 862-865. Peer-reviewed.
Intravenous Corticosteroids as an Adjunctive Treatment for Refractory and Super-Refractory Status Epilepticus: An Observational Cohort Study.
Pantazou V., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2019/02. CNS drugs, 33 (2) pp. 187-192. Peer-reviewed.
Closed-loop Neuropharmacology for Epilepsy: Distant Dream or Future Reality?
Aicua-Rapun I., André P., Novy J., 2019. Current neuropharmacology, 17 (5) pp. 447-458. Peer-reviewed.
Intravenous brivaracetam in status epilepticus: Correlation between loading dose, plasma levels and clinical response.
Aicua-Rapun I., André P., Rossetti A.O., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., Novy J., 2019/01. Epilepsy research, 149 pp. 88-91. Peer-reviewed.
Does continuous EEG influence prognosis in patients after cardiac arrest?
Fatuzzo D., Beuchat I., Alvarez V., Novy J., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2018/11. Resuscitation, 132 pp. 29-32. Peer-reviewed.
Levetiracetam circulating concentrations and response in status epilepticus.
Perrenoud M., André P., Buclin T., Decosterd L.A., Rossetti A.O., Novy J., 2018/11. Epilepsy & behavior, 88 pp. 61-65. Peer-reviewed.
Antiepileptika: Wissenswertes für Ärztinnen und Ärzte
Novy Jan, 2018/09/26. Primary and Hospital Care: Allgemeine Innere Medizin.
Médicaments antiépileptiques: ce que le Médecin doit savoir
Novy Jan, 2018/09/26. Primary and hospital care: médecine interne générale.
Does Continuous Video-EEG in Patients With Altered Consciousness Improve Patient Outcome? Current Evidence and Randomized Controlled Trial Design.
Rossetti A.O., Schindler K., Alvarez V., Sutter R., Novy J., Oddo M., Warpelin-Decrausaz L., Rüegg S., 2018/09. Journal of clinical neurophysiology, 35 (5) pp. 359-364. Peer-reviewed.
Use of newer antiepileptic drugs and prognosis in adults with status epilepticus: Comparison between 2009 and 2017.
Fatuzzo D., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2018/07. Epilepsia, 59 (7) pp. e98-e102. Peer-reviewed.
Standardized EEG interpretation in patients after cardiac arrest: Correlation with other prognostic predictors.
Beuchat I., Solari D., Novy J., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2018/05. Resuscitation, 126 pp. 143-146. Peer-reviewed.
Characterising subtypes of hippocampal sclerosis and reorganization: correlation with pre and postoperative memory deficit.
Prada Jardim A., Liu J., Baber J., Michalak Z., Reeves C., Ellis M., Novy J., de Tisi J., McEvoy A., Miserocchi A. et al., 2018/03. Brain pathology, 28 (2) pp. 143-154. Peer-reviewed.
Newer Antiepileptic Drugs for Status Epilepticus in Adults: What's the Evidence?
Beuchat I., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2018/03. CNS drugs, 32 (3) pp. 259-267. Peer-reviewed.
Multimodal Outcome Prognostication After Cardiac Arrest and Targeted Temperature Management: Analysis at 36 °C.
Tsetsou S., Novy J., Pfeiffer C., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2018/02. Neurocritical care, 28 (1) pp. 104-109. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Neurology]
Chopard I., Benninger D., Demonet J.F., Du Pasquier R., Hirt L., Kuntzer T., Michel P., Nater B., Novy J., Rossetti A. et al., 2018/01/10. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (588-589) pp. 58-61. Peer-reviewed.
Epilepsy as a systemic condition: Link with somatic comorbidities.
Novy J., Bell G.S., Peacock J.L., Sisodiya S.M., Sander J.W., 2017/10. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 136 (4) pp. 352-359. Peer-reviewed.
Extended EEG and non-convulsive status epilepticus: Benefit over routine EEG?
Eskioglou E., Stähli C., Rossetti A.O., Novy J., 2017/09. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 136 (3) pp. 272-276. Peer-reviewed.
Lamotrigine serum levels: Ceiling effect in people with epilepsy in remission?
D'Anto J., Wnuk W., Rossetti A.O., Decosterd L.A., Buclin T., Novy J., 2017/09. Epilepsy & behavior, 74 pp. 41-44. Peer-reviewed.
Somatic Comorbidities and Mortality in Epilepsy
Novy Jan, 2017/09/01. Epileptologie 34 pp. 145-152.
Somatic comorbidities in epilepsy
Serkedaki Aikaterini, Novy Jan, 2017/09/01. Epileptologie 34 pp. 133-144.
Electroencephalography Predicts Poor and Good Outcomes After Cardiac Arrest: A Two-Center Study.
Rossetti A.O., Tovar Quiroga D.F., Juan E., Novy J., White R.D., Ben-Hamouda N., Britton J.W., Oddo M., Rabinstein A.A., 2017/07. Critical care medicine, 45 (7) pp. e674-e682. Peer-reviewed.
Early Lance-Adams syndrome after cardiac arrest: Prevalence, time to return to awareness, and outcome in a large cohort.
Aicua Rapun I., Novy J., Solari D., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2017/06. Resuscitation, 115 pp. 169-172. Peer-reviewed.
Early prediction of coma recovery after cardiac arrest with blinded pupillometry.
Solari D., Rossetti A.O., Carteron L., Miroz J.P., Novy J., Eckert P., Oddo M., 2017/06. Annals of neurology, 81 (6) pp. 804-810. Peer-reviewed.
Newer Antiepileptic Drugs in Status Epilepticus: Prescription Trends and Outcomes in Comparison with Traditional Agents.
Beuchat I., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2017/04. CNS drugs, 31 (4) pp. 327-334. Peer-reviewed.
EEG synchronization measures are early outcome predictors in comatose patients after cardiac arrest.
Zubler F., Steimer A., Kurmann R., Bandarabadi M., Novy J., Gast H., Oddo M., Schindler K., Rossetti A.O., 2017/02/05. Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 128 (4) pp. 635-642. Peer-reviewed.
Neurologie [Neurology]
Maulucci F., Benninger D., Démonet J.F., Du Pasquier R.A., Hirt L., Hottinger A., Kuntzer T., Michel P., Nater B., Novy J. et al., 2017/01/11. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (544-545) pp. 79-83. Peer-reviewed.
Intravenous lacosamide in status epilepticus: Correlation between loading dose, serum levels, and clinical response.
Perrenoud M., André P., Alvarez V., Stähli C., Decosterd L.A., Rossetti A.O., Novy J., 2017. Epilepsy Research, 135 pp. 38-42. Peer-reviewed.
Novel Treatment and New Drugs in Epilepsy Treatment.
Eskioglou E., Perrenoud M.P., Ryvlin P., Novy J., 2017. Current pharmaceutical design, 23 (42) pp. 6389-6398. Peer-reviewed.
Refractory and super-refractory status epilepticus in adults: a 9-year cohort study.
Delaj L., Novy J., Ryvlin P., Marchi N.A., Rossetti A.O., 2017/01. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 135 (1) pp. 92-99.
Therapeutic coma for status epilepticus: Differing practices in a prospective multicenter study.
Alvarez V., Lee J.W., Westover M.B., Drislane F.W., Novy J., Faouzi M., Marchi N.A., Dworetzky B.A., Rossetti A.O., 2016/10/18. Neurology, 87 (16) pp. 1650-1659. Peer-reviewed.
FDG-PET hyperactivity pattern in anti-NMDAr encephalitis.
Novy J., Allenbach G., Bien C.G., Guedj E., Prior J.O., Rossetti A.O., 2016/08/15. Journal of neuroimmunology, 297 pp. 156-158. Peer-reviewed.
Outcome of seizures in the general population after 25 years: a prospective follow-up, observational cohort study.
Bell G.S., Neligan A., Giavasi C., Keezer M.R., Novy J., Peacock J.L., Johnson A.L., Goodridge D.M., Shorvon S.D., Sander J.W., 2016/08. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 87 (8) pp. 843-850. Peer-reviewed.
The intriguing relationship between epilepsy and type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Sander J.W., Novy J., Keezer M.R., 2016/07. Diabetologia, 59 (7) pp. 1569-1570. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of different practices of therapeutic coma in status epilepticus management
Alvarez V., Lee J.W., Westover M.B., Drislane F.W., Novy J., Faouzi M., Marchi N., Dwortetzki B.A., Rossetti A.O., 2016/06., 2nd European Academy of Neurology meeting p. 87 dans European Journal of Neurology. Peer-reviewed.
Retinal nerve fibre layer thinning is associated with drug resistance in epilepsy.
Balestrini S., Clayton L.M., Bartmann A.P., Chinthapalli K., Novy J., Coppola A., Wandschneider B., Stern W.M., Acheson J., Bell G.S. et al., 2016/04. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 87 (4) pp. 396-401. Peer-reviewed.
Status epilepticus in adults
Novy Jan, Rossetti Andrea O., 2016/03. pp. 301-317 dans Smith MM, Citerio GG, Kofke WAI (eds.) Oxford Textbook of Neurocritical Care chap. 23, Oxford University Press.
Age, Comorbidity, Frailty in Observational and Analytic Studies of Neurological Diseases.
Novy J., Sander J.W., 2016. Frontiers of neurology and neuroscience, 39 pp. 71-80. Peer-reviewed.
Cause of death and predictors of mortality in a community-based cohort of people with epilepsy.
Keezer M.R., Bell G.S., Neligan A., Novy J., Sander J.W., 2016. Neurology, 86 (8) pp. 704-712. Peer-reviewed.
New ILAE versus previous clinical status epilepticus semiologic classification: Analysis of a hospital-based cohort.
Rossetti A.O., Trinka E., Stähli C., Novy J., 2016. Epilepsia, 57 (7) pp. 1036-1041. Peer-reviewed.
Non-convulsive status epilepticus : Non-convulsive status epilepticus
Novy Jan, Chinthapalli Krishna, Mula Marco, 2016/01. pp. 215-226 dans Challenging Concepts in Neurology chap. 21, Oxford University PressOxford.
Yield of Outpatient Sleep EEG for Epileptiform Alterations' Detection in Children.
Ontiveros S., Novy J., Jequier-Gygax M., Rossetti A.O., 2016. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society, 33 (1) pp. 72-75. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical evolution after a non-reactive hypothermic EEG following cardiac arrest.
Juan E., Novy J., Suys T., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Neurocritical Care, 22 (3) pp. 403-408. Peer-reviewed.
EEG reactivity to pain in comatose patients: Importance of the stimulus type.
Tsetsou S., Novy J., Oddo M., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Resuscitation, 97 pp. 34-37. Peer-reviewed.
Genome-wide Polygenic Burden of Rare Deleterious Variants in Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy.
Leu C., Balestrini S., Maher B., Hernández-Hernández L., Gormley P., Hämäläinen E., Heggeli K., Schoeler N., Novy J., Willis J. et al., 2015. Ebiomedicine, 2 (9) pp. 1063-1070. Peer-reviewed.
Increased prevalence of ECG markers for sudden cardiac arrest in refractory epilepsy.
Lamberts R.J., Blom M.T., Novy J., Belluzzo M., Seldenrijk A., Penninx B.W., Sander J.W., Tan H.L., Thijs R.D., 2015. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 86 (3) pp. 309-313. Peer-reviewed.
Long Term Somatic Adverse Events of Antiepileptic Drugs.
Novy J., 2015. Epileptologie, 32 (2) pp. 65-69.
Practice variability and efficacy of clonazepam, lorazepam, and midazolam in status epilepticus: A multicenter comparison.
Alvarez V., Lee J.W., Drislane F.W., Westover M.B., Novy J., Dworetzky B.A., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Epilepsia, 56 (8) pp. 1275-1285. Peer-reviewed.
Recurrence of status epilepticus: Prognostic role and outcome predictors.
Tsetsou S., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Epilepsia, 56 (3) pp. 473-478. Peer-reviewed.
Recurrent Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus in a Patient with Coffin-Lowry Syndrome
Gschwind M., Foletti G., Baumer A., Bottani A., Novy J., 2015. Molecular Syndromology, 6 (2) pp. 91-95. Peer-reviewed.
Status epilepticus of inflammatory etiology: A cohort study.
Spatola M., Novy J., Du Pasquier R., Dalmau J., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Neurology, 85 (5) pp. 464-470. Peer-reviewed.
Status epilepticus: impact of therapeutic coma on outcome.
Marchi N.A., Novy J., Faouzi M., Stähli C., Burnand B., Rossetti A.O., 2015. Critical Care Medicine, 43 (5) pp. 1003-1009. Peer-reviewed.
Sudden cardiac death is associated both with epilepsy and with use of antiepileptic drugs.
Bauer P.R., Novy J., Keezer M.R., Bell G.S., 2015. Heart, 101 (1) p. 83. Peer-reviewed.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs in the 21st Century
André P., Novy J., Decosterd LA, Buclin T., Rothuizen LE, 2015/01/01. Epileptologie 32 pp. 78-84.
Type 1 diabetes mellitus in people with pharmacoresistant epilepsy: Prevalence and clinical characteristics.
Keezer M.R., Novy J., Sander J.W., 2015. Epilepsy Research, 115 pp. 55-57. Peer-reviewed.
Asystole in alternating hemiplegia with de novo ATP1A3 mutation.
Novy J., McWilliams E., Sisodiya S.M., 2014. European Journal of Medical Genetics, 57 (1) pp. 37-39. Peer-reviewed.
Double seronegative myasthenia gravis with antiphospholipid syndrome: a case report.
Dan D., Bart P.A., Novy J., Kuntzer T., Clair C., 2014. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 8 (1) p. 2. Peer-reviewed.
Levetiracetam and pregabalin for antiepileptic monotherapy in patients with primary brain tumors. A phase II randomized study.
Rossetti A.O., Jeckelmann S., Novy J., Roth P., Weller M., Stupp R., 2014. Neuro-Oncology, 16 (4) pp. 584-588. Peer-reviewed.
Long term retention of retigabine in a cohort of people with drug resistant epilepsy.
Wehner T., Chinnasami S., Novy J., Bell G.S., Duncan J.S., Sander J.W., 2014. Seizure, 23 (10) pp. 878-881. Peer-reviewed.
Perampanel: a significant liver enzyme inducer in some patients?
Novy J., Rothuizen L.E., Buclin T., Rossetti A.O., 2014. European Neurology, 72 (3-4) pp. 213-216. Peer-reviewed.
Sporadic late-onset nemaline myopathy with MGUS: Long-term follow-up after melphalan and SCT.
Voermans N.C., Benveniste O., Minnema M.C., Lokhorst H., Lammens M., Meersseman W., Delforge M., Kuntzer T., Novy J., Pabst T. et al., 2014. Neurology, 83 (23) pp. 2133-2139. Peer-reviewed.
Epilepsy, hippocampal sclerosis and febrile seizures linked by common genetic variation around SCN1A.
Kasperaviciute D., Catarino C.B., Matarin M., Leu C., Novy J., Tostevin A., Leal B., Hessel E.V., Hallmann K., Hildebrand M.S. et al., 2013. Brain, 136 (Pt 10) pp. 3140-3150. Peer-reviewed.
Long-term retention of lacosamide in a large cohort of people with medically refractory epilepsy: a single centre evaluation.
Novy J., Bartolini E., Bell G.S., Duncan J.S., Sander J.W., 2013. Epilepsy Research, 106 (1-2) pp. 250-256. Peer-reviewed.
The lifelong course of chronic epilepsy: the Chalfont experience.
Novy J., Belluzzo M., Caboclo L.O., Catarino C.B., Yogarajah M., Martinian L., Peacock J.L., Bell G.S., Koepp M.J., Thom M. et al., 2013. Brain, 136 (Pt 10) pp. 3187-3199. Peer-reviewed.
A coupled hydrodynamic model of the cardiovascular and cerebrospinal fluid system.
Martin B.A., Reymond P., Novy J., Balédent O., Stergiopulos N., 2012. American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 302 (7) pp. H1492-H1509. Peer-reviewed.
Another cause of vaccine encephalopathy: a case of Angelman syndrome.
Novy J., Catarino C.B., Chinthapalli K., Smith S.M., Clayton-Smith J., Hennekam R.C., Hammond P., Sisodiya S.M., 2012. European Journal of Medical Genetics, 55 (5) pp. 338-341. Peer-reviewed.
Atypical face shape and genomic structural variants in epilepsy.
Chinthapalli K., Bartolini E., Novy J., Suttie M., Marini C., Falchi M., Fox Z., Clayton L.M., Sander J.W., Guerrini R. et al., 2012. Brain, 135 (Pt 10) pp. 3101-3114. Peer-reviewed.
Psychiatric co-morbidities and cardiovascular risk factors in people with lifetime history of epilepsy of an urban community.
Novy J., Castelao E., Preisig M., Vidal P.M., Waeber G., Vollenweider P., Rossetti A.O., 2012. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 114 (1) pp. 26-30.
Spinal cord syndromes.
Novy J., 2012. pp. 195-198 dans Manifestations of Stroke, Paciaroni et al..
Epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes: a benign condition with potentially serious consequences.
Galizia E.C., Novy J., Sander J.W., 2011. Epilepsy and Behavior, 20 (4) pp. 732; author reply 733. Peer-reviewed.
Lacosamide neurotoxicity associated with concomitant use of sodium channel-blocking antiepileptic drugs: a pharmacodynamic interaction?
Novy J., Patsalos P.N., Sander J.W., Sisodiya S.M., 2011. Epilepsy and Behavior, 20 (1) pp. 20-23. Peer-reviewed.
Rituximab is successful in an HIV-positive patient with MuSK myasthenia gravis.
Kuntzer T., Carota A., Novy J., Cavassini M., Du Pasquier R.A., 2011. Neurology, 76 (8) pp. 757-758. Peer-reviewed.
Oral pregabalin as an add-on treatment for status epilepticus.
Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2010/10. Epilepsia, 51 (10) pp. 2207-2210. Peer-reviewed.
Chemotherapy is successful in sporadic late onset nemaline myopathy (SLONM) with monoclonal gammopathy.
Novy J., Rosselet A., Spertini O., Lobrinus J.A., Pabst T., Kuntzer T., 2010/02. Muscle & nerve, 41 (2) pp. 286-287. Peer-reviewed.
Approches chirurgicales "palliatives" de l'épilepsie ["Palliative" surgical procedures in refractory epilepsy]
Novy J., Pollo C., Schaller K., Vulliémoz S., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (247) pp. 916- 920. Peer-reviewed.
Chirurgie de l'épiepsie: l'approche curative [Epilepsy surgery: the curative approach].
Vulliémoz S., Pollo C., Schaller K., Novy J., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (247) pp. 912-915. Peer-reviewed.
Recurrent postpartum cerebral sinus vein thrombosis as a presentation of cystathionine-beta-synthase deficiency.
Novy J., Ballhausen D., Bonafé L., Cairoli A., Angelillo-Scherrer A., Bachmann C., Michel P., 2010. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 103 (4) pp. 871-873.
Refractory status epilepticus: A prospective observational study.
Novy J., Logroscino G., Rossetti A.O., 2010. Epilepsia, 51 (2) pp. 251-256. Peer-reviewed.
Pregabalin in patients with primary brain tumors and seizures: a preliminary observation.
Novy J., Stupp R., Rossetti A.O., 2009/02. Clinical neurology and neurosurgery, 111 (2) pp. 171-173. Peer-reviewed.
Encephalitis with herpes simplex-2 in the cerebrospinal fluid and anti-RI (ANNA-2) antibodies: an infectious or a paraneoplastic syndrome?
Novy J., Carota A., Eggimann P., Pusztaszeri M., Rossetti A.O., Du Pasquier R., 2009. BMJ case reports, 2009 pp. 11 August. Peer-reviewed.
Ictal bradycardia and asystole: an uncommon cause of syncope.
Novy J., Carruzzo A., Pascale P., Maeder-Ingvar M., Genné D., Pruvot E., Despland P.A., Rossetti A.O., 2009. International Journal of Cardiology, 133 (3) pp. e90-e93.
Interferon BETA-1A as adjunctive treatment for multifocal motor neuropathy: an open label trial.
Radziwill Alexander J., Botez Stephan A., Novy Jan, Kuntzer Thierry, 2009. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, 14 (3) pp. 201-202. Peer-reviewed.
Management and prognosis of status epilepticus according to hospital setting: a prospective study.
Rossetti A.O., Novy J., Ruffieux C., Olivier P., Foletti G.B., Hayoz D., Burnand B., Logroscino G., 2009. Swiss Medical Weekly, 139 (49-50) pp. 719-23. Peer-reviewed.
Symptomatic complex partial status epilepticus manifesting as utilization behavior of a mobile phone.
Carota A., Novy J., Rossetti A.O., 2009. Epilepsy & Behavior, 14 (3) pp. 553-555.
ENMG de paresthésies des 4e et 5e doigts
Ochsner F, Novy J, Kuntzer T, 2008. pp. 407-421 dans Péréon Yann (eds.) ENMG 2008, XVIes Journées Francophones d'Eléctroneuromyographie, ENMG, Solal.
Etat confusionnel, hallucinations et crises d'épilepsie [State of confusion, hallucinations and epileptic crisis].
Novy J., Vulliémoz S., Carota A., Annoni J.M., Lalive P.H., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (156) pp. 1162-1165.
Impending status epilepticus and anxiety in a pregnant woman treated with levetiracetam.
Novy J., Hubschmid M., Michel P., Rossetti A.O., 2008. Epilepsy & Behavior, 13 (3) pp. 564-566. Peer-reviewed.
Isolated nuclear facial palsy, a rare variant of pure motor lacunar stroke.
Novy J., Michel P., Poncioni L., Carota A., 2008. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 110 (4) pp. 420-421. Peer-reviewed.
Troubles visuels, troubles auditifs et troubles de la concentration [Trouble with vision, hearing and concentration: Susac's syndrome ].
Vulliémoz S., Novy J., Lalive P.H., Annoni J.M., Carota A., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (156) pp. 1157-8, 1160-1. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge des polyradiculoneuropathies aigues et chroniques. [Management of the acute and chronic polyradiculoneuropathies]
Novy J., Kuntzer T., 2007/05. Revue Médicale Suisse, 3 (110) pp. 1166-1169. Peer-reviewed.
Neuropathie d'enclavement: une cause traitable de douleurs musculosquelettiques. [The entrapment neuropathy: a treatable cause of musculoskeletal pain]
Ochsner F., Novy J., Kuntzer T., 2007. Revue Médicale Suisse, 3 (110) pp. 1170-1177. Peer-reviewed.
Spinal cord ischemia: clinical and imaging patterns, pathogenesis, and outcomes in 27 patients.
Novy J., Carruzzo A., Maeder P., Bogousslavsky J., 2006/08. Archives of Neurology, 63 (8) pp. 1113-1120. Peer-reviewed.
Neurogenic pain and abnormal movements contralateral to an anterior parietal artery stroke.
Rossetti A.O., Ghika J.A., Vingerhoets F., Novy J., Bogousslavsky J., 2003/07. Archives of Neurology, 60 (7) pp. 1004-1006. Peer-reviewed.
Acute painful hemiballismus, a new parietal stroke syndrome
Rossetti A., Ghika J, Vingerhoets F, Novy J, Bogousslavsky J, 2002. p. 30 dans 12th meeting of the European neurological society, Journal of Neurology.
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