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969 publications

The Middle English Seven Sages of Rome
Critten Rory G., Wiggins Alison, Medieval Institute Publications.
Social Exclusion and Female Friendship in the Late Medieval Low Countries and England: The Works and Lives of Alijt Bake and Margery Kempe
Denissen Diana, Medieval Women Across Borders.
Ways of communicating emotional stance in online disagreements
Locher M., Langlotz A. Journal of Pragmatics, 44 (12) pp. 1591-1606.
The Logical Art of Finnegans Wake
MacDuff Sangam dans Williams Keith, Hanaway-Oakley Cleo (eds.) The Edinburgh Companion to James Joyce and the Arts, Edinburgh University Press.
"An Indian’s Europe: Integration and Exclusion in The Travels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan"
Steiner Enit European Romantic Review. Peer-reviewed.
Contesting Cosmopolitan Moments in the Long Eighteenth Century
Steiner Enit, University of Edinburgh Press (forthcoming).
Atkin T., Baccianti S. p. 6 dans Atkin T., Baccianti S. (eds.) Play: Aspects and Approaches (Collection of papers presented at the 5th Oxford Medieval Graduate Conference), Medium Aevum.
Play: Aspects and Approaches (Collection of papers presented at the 5th Oxford Medieval Graduate Conference), ed. by Tamara Atkin and Sarah Baccianti (Oxford: Medium Aevum, forthcoming 2016)
Atkin T., Baccianti S. (eds.), Medium Aevum.
'The Latin Connection: Geoffrey of Monmouth in Iceland'
Baccianti S. p. 25 dans Flood V., Byrne A. (eds.) Crossing Borders in the Insular Middle Ages, Brepols.
'Veni, Vidi, Scripsi: The Use of Sources and Eyewitness in History Writings of the Medieval North'
Baccianti S. p. 25 dans Cesario M., Magennis H. (eds.) Storehouses of Knowledge: Early to Late Medieval, Manchester University Press.
Swelling in Anger: Somatic Descriptors in Old English and Old Norse Literature'
Baccianti S. p. 25 dans Flannery M. (eds.) Emotions and Medieval Media, Brepols.
Conduct, Husbandry, and Gardening
Critten Rory G. dans Oxford Handbook of Middle English Prose, Sebastian Sobecki and Emily Steiner.
French Lessons in Late Medieval England: The Role of Women
Critten Rory G. dans Women in the History of Language Learning and Teaching, Amsterdam University Press.
Sharing the Housework in the Ballad of the Tyrannical Husband and The Wright's Chaste Wife
Critten Rory G. JEGP: Journal of English and Germanic Philology. Peer-reviewed.
Sodomy and the East in the Seven Sages of Rome
Critten Rory G. Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures. Peer-reviewed.
'Migration and Exile in Heaney’s Virgilian Pastoral’
Falconer Rachel dans Irish Migrations and Classical Antiquity, Isabelle Torrance .
James Joyce, Epiphanies: A Critical Edition
MacDuff Sangam, Beja Morris, McFadzean Angus (eds.)Joyce James, The University Press of Florida.
Local meaning-negotiation, activity types, and the current-discourse-space model
Langlotz A. dans Zima E., Brône G. (eds.) Interactional Discourse in Cognitive Linguistics - Theory, Methods, and Application, John Benjamins.
The role of emotions in a discursive approach to relational work.
Langlotz A., Miriam L. dans Haugh M. (eds.) The role of emotions in a discursive approach to relational work., Cambridge University Press.
‘The Right Use of Reason’: Virginia Woolf, Isaac Watts, and Logic
MacDuff Sangam ELH (English Literary History). Peer-reviewed.
Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness' and Contemporary Thought: Revisiting the Horror with Lacoue-Labarthe
Nidesh Lawtoo (eds.), Continuum.
Entre paysage allégorique et allégorie du paysage: locus amoenus, exil pastoral et terre inculte dans l'oeuvre de Edmund Spenser
Nievergelt M. dans Imbert C., Maupeu p. (eds.) Le paysage allégorique entre image mentale et pays transfiguré, Presses Universitaires.
Review of Laura Ashe, Ivana Djordjević and Judith Weiss (eds), The Exploitations of Medieval Romance. (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2010)
Nievergelt M. Notes and Queries.
Introduction—The Curse of Relevance: Challenges Facing Right-Wing Studies
Bauer AJ, Juarez Miro Clara, Giraldo Isis, 2024/07/02. Journal of Right-Wing Studies, 2 (1).
The far right from the underside of history: decolonising far right studies
Giraldo Isis, 2024/04/01. pp. 356-366 dans The ethics of researching the far right: Critical approaches and reflections, University of Manchester Press.
Les marges au milieu: éloge du monde à venir selon Léonora Miano et Bernardine Evaristo
Cossy Valérie, 2024/03/31. Cahiers Maria Szymanowska, 5 (printemps-été 2024) pp. 74-85.
Translating the Self in Medieval European Romance: Narration and Emotion in Partonopeu de Blois, Partonopier und Meliur and Partonope of Blois
Kaempfer Lucie, 2024/03/22. Emotions: History, Culture, Society pp. 1-18. Peer-reviewed.
Picturing Divinity in John Donne's Writings
Stirling Kirsten, 2024/03/05., D.S. Brewer.
Châteaux hantés, mortes amoureuses et contes cruels chez Angela Carter: une filiation inédite avec Théophile Gautier
Hennard Dutheil Martine, 2024. L'Oiseau Bleu, 6 pp. 1-22. Peer-reviewed.
The Sinclair Women and Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Arch. Selden. B. 24.
Critten Rory G., 2024. Chaucer Review, 59 pp. 182-206. Peer-reviewed.
‘Between Belfast and Madrid: Seamus Heaney in the Underworld’
Falconer Rachel, 2024. CompLit: Journal of European Literature, Arts and Society , 1 (7) pp. 77-94. Peer-reviewed.
Shtatzëni pa shtat (Wombless Pregnancies)
Steiner Enit Karafili, 2023/12/25. Peizazhe të fjalës (Wordscapes)
Monique Laederach: amitié et littérature
Cossy Valérie, 2023/12/20. rbl la revue de belles-lettres, 147 (2) pp. 119-124. Peer-reviewed.
Temps vécu, temps raconté, temps lu: Henriette et Richard d'Isabelle de Charrière
Cossy Valérie, 2023/12/11. Annales Benjamin Constant, 48 pp. 119-134. Peer-reviewed.
Introduction: l'histoire vaudoise avec elles
Cossy Valérie, 2023/12/02. pp. 9-14 dans Les femmes: quelle histoire!, Revue historique vaudoise-Antipodes.
Les femmes: quelle histoire!
Cossy Valérie (eds.), 2023/12/02., Revue Historique Vaudoise - Antipodes.
Envisioning the Ecological Future: Three Perspectives off the Beaten Track
Arnsperger Christian, Soltysik Monnet Agnieszka, 2023/11/27. Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture, 13 (13) pp. 417-441. Peer-reviewed.
Cultures of Sensibility
Steiner Enit Karafili, 2023/11/10. pp. 135-161 dans The Cambridge History of European Romantic Literature , ed. Patrick Vincent, Cambridge University Press.
Melville's Obsessional Form: Disjunction and Refusal in “Benito Cereno”
Scully Matthew, 2023/09/12. European journal of American studies, 19 (1).
“Touching the Author's Mind”: Judgment and Intention in Jasper Heywood's Translations of Seneca
Durdel Patrick, 2023/09/01. Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 53 (3) pp. 623-640. Peer-reviewed.
First Language Attrition: Bridging Sociolinguistic Narratives and Psycholinguistic Models of Attrition
Duarte Wirth Beatriz, Auer Anita, Keijzer Merel, 2023/08/30. dans The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics, Routledge.
Research Records: Interview with Professor Anthony Ryan, Director of Grantham Institute for Sustainable Futures
Falconer Rachel, Ryan Anthony, 2023/07/11. Research Records, #27.
Renouvellement des moeurs, consolidation du patriarcat : le magazine colombien SoHo à l’ère du postféminisme
Giraldo Isis, 2023/05/08. Nouvelles Questions Féministes, 41 (1) pp. 86-100. Peer-reviewed.
Chambre et révolution selon Virginia Woolf
Cossy Valérie, 2023/01/15. Cahiers Maria Szymanowska, 3 pp. 47-56.
La philosophie à l'épreuve du pouvoir: Jean-Pierre de Chambrier d'Oleyres (1753-1822), diplomate et gouverneur de Neuchâtel
Cossy Valérie, 2023/01/15. Revue Historique Neuchâteloise, 159 (2022) (3-4) pp. 131-135. Peer-reviewed.
"Mary Wollstonecraft"
Steiner Enit Karafili, 2023/01/01. pp. 521-534 dans Research Companion to Romantic Women Writers., Routledge.
'In judging him, [we] judge ourselves'. Murder, Morality, and Femininity in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment and Angela Carter’s 'Elegy for a Freelance'
Melnikov Kirill, Walz Marie Emilie, 2023. pp. 229-245 dans Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère Martine, Roncaccia Alberto (eds.) Traduire, illustrer, réécrire, mettre en scène: Regards croisés / Translate, Illustrate, Rewrite, Stage: Crossing Viewpoints, Franco Cesati Editore.
'This entire dream, in fact, was custom-made and hand-built'. Angela Carter’s Transcreative Experiments with Max Reinhardt and William Dieterle’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Walz Marie Emilie, 2023. pp. 209-227 dans Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère Martine, Roncaccia Alberto (eds.) Traduire, illustrer, réécrire, mettre en scène: Regards croisés / Translate, Illustrate, Rewrite, Stage: Crossing Viewpoints, Franco Cesati Editore.
A Queer Omission in Sir Orfeo
Critten Rory G., 2023. ELH, 90 (4) pp. 909-32. Peer-reviewed.
Entre Belfast y Madrid: Seamus Heaney en el Inframundo
Falconer Rachel, 2023. pp. 19-33 dans El relato mítico: sus nuevas materialidades y dimensiones en las culturas contemporáneas , VÍCTOR HUERTAS MARTÍN et ASUNCIÓN LÓPEZ-VARELA AZCÁRATE.
French Lessons in Late-Medieval England: The Liber donati and Commune parlance
Critten Rory G., 2023. Foundations, Arc Humanities Press.
Introduction. De la transtextualité à la transcréation.
Hennard Dutheil Martine, 2023. pp. 9-19 dans Traduire, illustrer, réécrire, mettre en scène : regards croisés / Translate, illustrate, rewrite, stage : crossing viewpoints., Franco Cesati Editore.
Language and Mobility of Late Modern English Paupers
Gardner A.-C., Auer A., Iten M., 2023. pp. 45-70 dans Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature (41), Universitatverlag WINTER.
Literacies, Learning, and Communal Reform: The Case of Alijt Bake
Denissen Diana, 2023. pp. 137-51 dans Medieval Women Religious, c. 800-c. 1500. New Perspectives, Boydell and Brewer.
Love Visions and Love Lyrics
Critten Rory G., 2023. pp. 282-99 dans Oxford History of Poetry in English. Medieval Poetry: 1400-1500, Julia Boffey and A. S. G. Edwards.
Review of: Krista A. Murchison, Manuals for Penitents in Medieval England. From Ancrene Wisse to the Parson's Tale
Denissen Diana, 2023. Medium Aevum, 2 (91) pp. 366-67.
Rousseau in the jungle. Angela Carter’s translational poetics from a discarded poem to ‘Penetrating to the Heart of the Forest’
Hennard Dutheil Martine, 2023. pp. 187-209 dans Traduire, illustrer, réécrire, mettre en scène : regards croisés / Translate, illustrate, rewrite, stage : crossing viewpoints., Franco Cesati Editore.
Tautological Revisions: Colson Whitehead’s The Nickel Boys and the Construction of Black Life
Scully Matthew, 2023. Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature, 42 (42) pp. 83-101. Peer-reviewed.
The Fifteen Oes and Other Prayers. Ed. from the Text Published by William Caxton (1491) by Alexandra Barrat and Susan Powel
Denissen Diana, 2023. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 260 (1) pp. 202-203.
Traduire, illustrer, réécrire, mettre en scène / Translate, illustrate, rewrite, stage, Regards croisés / Crossing viewpoints
Hennard Dutheil Martine, Roncaccia Alberto, 2023. Umanistica interdisciplinare, 3 256, Franco Cesati Editore.
Lyre multimédia
Rodriguez Antonio (eds.)Stirling Kirsten, 2022/12/15. 319 192, Études de Lettres.
New Objects for Lyric Criticism
Rodriguez Antonio, Stirling Kirsten, 2022/12/15. Études de lettres 319.
Pourquoi admirer Rousseau quand on est une femme
Cossy Valérie, 2022/12/15. Annales de la société J.-J. Rousseau, 55 pp. 224-241. Peer-reviewed.
Quels nouveaux objets pour la critique du lyrique?
Stirling Kirsten, Rodriguez Antonio, 2022/12/15. Études de lettres.
The Lyric Eye: Self-Representation in The Early Modern English Portrait-Poem
Stirling Kirsten, 2022/12/15. Études de lettres. Peer-reviewed.
Isabelle de Charrière, Jane Austen, and Post-Enlightenment Fiction: Writing the Shared Humanity of Men and Women
Cossy Valérie, 2022/12/05. Humanities, 11 (6) p. 150. Peer-reviewed.
The Middle English Lyrics in Their European Context
Whitehead Christiania, 2022/11/22. pp. 332-344 dans The Routledge Companion to Medieval English Literature, Routledge.
Thomas Johnson's and Mary Wellington's Single-Text Editions of Hamlet and the Copyright Act of 1710
Reilly Andy, 2022/11/01. Modern Philology: Critical and Historical Studies in Literature, Medieval through Contemporary, 120 (2) pp. 212-236.
Urbanisation, Supralocalisation and the Development of Periphrastic DO in Early Modern England
Oudesluijs Tino, Gordon Moragh Sanne, Auer Anita, 2022/10/10. dans Dietz Feike , van Koppen Marjo, van de Poppe Cora, Schraagen Marijn, Wall Joanna (eds.) Cross-disciplinary approaches to linguistic variation in Early Modern West Germanic, Linguistic Society of America - University of Konstanz .
Vom Auslöschen der eigenen Geschichte
Giraldo Isis, 2022/09/10. Republik.
‘Morning Glories of the Night’: Angela Carter’s Translational Poetics in Fireworks
Hennard Dutheil Martine, 2022/07/01. Contemporary Women’s Writing, Oxford University Press, 16 (2) pp. 135-152. Peer-reviewed.
Review of: Margaret Connolly and Thomas G. Duncan (eds.) The Middle English Mirror. MET 62
Denissen Diana, 2022/06/15. Anglistik. Peer-reviewed.
The verticalization model of language shift from a historical sociolinguistic perspective: A commentary
Auer Anita, 2022/06/06. pp. 195-214 dans Brown Joshua R. (eds.) The Verticalization Model of Language Shift: The Great Change in American Communities chap. 8, Oxford University Press.
'Animal Studies'
Falconer Rachel, 2022/06/01. dans A Companion to Children’s Literature, Wiley-Blackwell.
Language, Ageing and Well-being in Multilingual Switzerland
Auer Anita, Duarte Wirth Beatriz, 2022/06/01. pp. 51-67 dans Merminod Gilles, Weber Orest, Wenger Vincent (eds.) Langues, médecine et société : Mélanges en l’honneur de Pascal Singy, Éditions Lambert-Lucas.
The Monstrous Bodies of the American Gothic
Soltysik Monnet Agnieszka, 2022/06/01. pp. 59-72 dans The Cambridge Companion to American Literature and the Body , Travis Foster.
Twentieth-Century War Gothic
Soltysik Monnet Agnieszka, 2022/06/01. pp. 163-179 dans Twentieth-Century Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion, Sorcha Ní Fhlainn and Berenice Murphy.
On the Context-Free Ambiguity of Emoji
Częstochowska Justyna, Gligorić Kristina, Peyrard Maxime, Mentha Yann, Bień Michał, Grütter Andrea, Auer Anita, Xanthos Aris, West Robert, 2022/05/31. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 16 pp. 1388-1392.
Africana. Figures de femmes et formes de pouvoir. Libre accès sur site de l'éditeur
Le Quellec Cottier Christine, Cossy Valérie (eds.), 2022/05/18. Rencontres, 539, Classiques Garnier.
Présence objective des corpus et processus subjectif de rememory selon Jean-Marie Volet et Margaret Busby
Cossy Valérie, 2022/05/18. pp. 271-288 dans Africana, Figures de femmes et formes de pouvoir, Classiques Garnier.
Alice Rivaz: imaginer sens dessus dessous
Cossy Valérie, 2022/05/15. Cahiers Maria Szymanowska, 2 pp. 31-49.
Jeu théâtral et vie en société selon Mansfield Park (1814) de Jane Austen
Cossy Valérie, 2022/05/15. Études de lettres 317 pp. 269-290. Peer-reviewed.
SoHo as virtual theatre: performing gender, race, and class in 21st-century Colombia
Giraldo Isis, 2022/04/27. Cultural Studies, 36 (1) pp. 41-73. Peer-reviewed.
The Weaponization of 'Gender' beyond Gender: The Entrenchment of 'Coloniality of Power' and 'Pedagogies of Cruelty'
Giraldo Isis, 2022/04/21. pp. 43-63 dans Gender in an Era of Post-Truth Populism: Pedagogies, Challenges and Strategies chap. 2, Bloomsbury.
Les Mémoires littéraires de la Grande-Bretagne (1768-1769): une collaboration entre Georges Deyverdun et Edward Gibbon
Cossy Valérie, 2022/04/07. pp. 344-351 dans Edward Gibbon et Lausanne, Le Pays de Vaud à la rencontre des Lumières européennes, infolio.
Lettres neuchâteloises: Personnages imaginaires, monde réel
Cossy Valérie, 2022/03/09. Littérature, 205 (1) pp. 15-26. Peer-reviewed.
Traduire la pensée – Traduire la littérature. Perspectives interdisciplinaires sur le texte, la langue et la culture
Hennard Dutheil Martine, Zbinden Karine, 2022/03/01., 318 2022/3 182, Revue «Etudes de lettres».
Die Verwendung des Konjunktivs II in den neudeutschen Komödien des oberdeutschen Benediktinermönchs Maurus Lindemayr (1723–1783)
Auer Anita, 2022/02/11. pp. 49-72 dans Havinga Anna D., Lindner-Bornemann Bettina (eds.) Deutscher Sprachgebrauch im 18. Jahrhundert: Sprachmentalität, Sprachwirklichkeit, Sprachreichtum, Universitätsverlag Winter.
Seamus Heaney, Virgil and the Good of Poetry
Falconer Rachel, 2022/02/01., Edinburgh University Press.
The Crossover Phenomenon
Falconer Rachel, 2022/02/01..
From Grizelda’s Patience to Feminist Grit: Angela Carter’s « The Patience of Grizelda » as a Hidden Intertext to « The Bloody Chamber »
Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère M., 2022/01/13. pp. 71-94 dans Crofts Charlotte, Mulvey-Roberts Marie (eds.) Angela Carter’s Pyrotechnics: A Union of Contraries, Bloomsbury Academic.
'Christina of Markyate'
Whitehead Christiania, 2022. dans The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Medieval Women's Writing in the Global Middle Ages (500-1525 CE), ed. by Liz Herbert McAvoy, Michelle Sauer and Diane Watt, Palgrave Macmillan.
'Durham Manuscript Compilations of Northern Saints' Lives'
Whitehead Christiania, 2022. Medium Aevum 91.1, 91 (1) pp. 28-52. Peer-reviewed.
[Compte rendu de] Continental England: Form, Translation, and Chaucer in the Hundred Years' War
Critten Rory G., 2022. Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 44 pp. 429-32.
[Compte rendu de] Images of Language in Middle English Vernacular Writings, Kathy Cawsey, Cambridge, Brewer, 2020
Critten Rory G., 2022. Anglia, 140 (2) pp. 275-277.
[Compte rendu de] Medieval English Travel, ed. Bale and Sobecki, Oxford, OUP, 2019
Critten Rory G., 2022. Anglia, 140 (1) pp. 137-39.
[Compte rendu de] The Medieval Life of Language: Grammar and Pragmatics from Bacon to Kempe, Mark Amsler, Amsterdam University Press, 2021
Critten Rory G., 2022. Anglia, 140 pp. 643-46.
Edward Gibbon et Lausanne. Le Pays de Vaud à la rencontre des Lumières européennes
Lovis Béatrice, Kapossy Béla (eds.), 2022. 528, Infolio.
French Lexis in the Auchinleck Manuscript: A Digital-Philological Approach
Critten Rory G., Picca Davide, Gay-Crosier Cyrille, 2022. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 37 (2) pp. 354-74. Peer-reviewed.
Haunted Nature, Haunted Humans: Intelligent Trees, Gaia, and the Apocalypse Meme
Soltysik Monnet Agnieszka, 2022/01/01. dans Haunted Nature: Entanglements of the Human and Nonhuman, Blazan, Sladja.
Horrible Beauty: Robin Coste Lewis’s Black Aesthetic Practice
Matthew Scully, 2022/01. Postmodern Culture. Peer-reviewed.
Soltysik Monnet A., Arnsperger C., 2022. pp. 7-31 dans The Ecological Future: Moving Beyond Narratives of Progress and Apocalypse in the Anthropocene, De Gruyter.
Whitehead Christiania, 2022/01. pp. 17-32 dans Late Medieval Devotion to Saints from the North of England: New Directions, Medieval Church Studies 48, Brepols Publishers.
Steiner Enit Karafili, 2022. pp. 1-4 dans The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Romantic-Era Women's Writing, Springer International Publishing.
Late Medieval Devotion to Saints from the North of England : New Directions
Whitehead Christiania, Hunter Blair Hazel J., Renevey Denis (eds.)Whitehead Christiania, Blair Hazel J Hunter, Renevey Denis, 2022/01., Brepols Publishers.
Review of: Jane Austen's Men: Rewriting Masculinity in the Romantic Era by Sarah Ailwood
Steiner Enit K., 2022. Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 34 (1) pp. 266-8.
Review: 'Juan Christian Pellicer, Preposterous Virgil: Reading through Stoppard, Auden, Wordsworth, Heaney'
Falconer Rachel, 2022. Translation and Literature, 31 pp. 381-388. Peer-reviewed.
Review: Preposterous Virgil: Reading through Stoppard, Auden, Wordsworth, Heaney.
Rachel Falconer, 2022. Translation and Literature, 31 pp. 381-388. Peer-reviewed.
The Ecological Future: Moving Beyond Narratives of Progress and Apocalypse in the Anthropocene (a special issue of Text Matters, vol. 12)
Soltysik Monnet A., Arnsperger C. (eds.), 2022., Lodz: Lodz University Press.
The evolution of language ideological debates about English and French in a multilingual humanitarian organisation.
Garrido M.R., 2022. Language policy, 21 (1) pp. 47-73. Peer-reviewed.
The Exploitation of French-English Lexical Transfer in Early Middle English Poetry
Critten Rory G., 2022. Early Middle English, 4 (1) pp. 31-50. Peer-reviewed.
The Production of Northern Saints' Lives at Holm Cultram Abbey in Cumbria
Whitehead Christiania, 2022/01. pp. 53-71 dans Late Medieval Devotion to Saints from the North of England: New Directions, Medieval Church Studies 48, Brepols Publishers.
Words, Books, Images, and the Long Eighteenth Century : Essays for Allen Reddick
Bevan Zlatar Antoinina, Ittensohn Mark, Steiner Enit Karafili, Timofeeva Olga (eds.)Bevan Zlatar Antoinina, Ittensohn Mark, Steiner Enit, Timofeva Olga, 2021/12/15., John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Democratic Aesthetics: Scenes of Political Violence and Anxiety in Nari Ward and Ocean Vuong
Matthew Scully, 2021/12/01. American Literature, 93 (4) pp. 685-712. Peer-reviewed.
Le ciel de Trois femmes: de la distance entre la théorie et la pratique selon Isabelle de Charrière
Cossy Valérie, 2021/12/01. Études de lettres, 316 pp. 35-52. Peer-reviewed.
Representations of Tunisian Undocumented Migration on the internet. Methodological Approaches to a Digital Anthropology of Facebook
Salzbrunn Monika, Mastrangelo Simon, 2021/12/01. pp. 169-198 dans Auer Anita, Thorburn Jennifer (eds.) Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity chap. 7, Peter Lang.
The Correct Publication Date of Mary Wellington's ‘1718' Edition of Hamlet
Reilly Andy, 2021/11/16. Notes & Queries, 68 (2) pp. 217-219.
Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity
Auer Anita, Thorburn Jennifer (eds.), 2021/11/01. Language, Migration and Identity, 4, Peter Lang.
Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity: Setting the Scene
Auer Anita, Thorburn Jennifer, 2021/11/01. dans Auer Anita, Thorburn Jennifer (eds.) Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity chap. 1, Peter Lang.
Being a Dancer beyond Being Palestinian: Resisting Identity Assignations through Contemporary Dance
Rodriguez Quinones Ana Laura, 2021/11/01. pp. 223-251 dans Auer Anita, Thorburn Jennifer (eds.) Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity chap. 9, Peter Lang.
Du talent pour demoiselles à l'expression de soi: la musique selon Isabelle de Charrière et Jane Austen
Cossy Valérie, 2021/11/01. Cahiers Maria Szymanowska, 1 pp. 43-57.
War Gothic, 1930-1990
Soltysik Monnet Agnieszka, 2021/11/01. dans The Cambridge Companion to the Gothic, Volume III: The Gothic in the 20th and 21st Centuries, Spooner, Catherine and Dale Townshend .
Donne's Negative Theology of the Cross
Stirling Kirsten, 2021/10/31. dans Comparative Essays on the Poetry and Prose of John Donne and George Herbert: Combined Lights, edited by Russell M. Hillier and Robert W. Reeder, Delaware University Press.
Comment dire l'humanité des femmes à l'ère des droits de l'homme?
Cossy Valérie, 2021/10/15. Écrire l'histoire, Histoire/Littérature/Esthétique, 20/21 pp. 117-127. Peer-reviewed.
Review of: Moreau-Guibert, Karine (ed). Pore Caitif: A Middle English Manual of Religion and Devotion
Denissen Diana, 2021/09/03. The Medieval Review.
Of Zibele and Bölle: Patterns of Language Variation in the Swiss Language Island New Glarus (North America)
Auer Anita, 2021/08/23. pp. 283-314 dans Werth Alexander, Bülow Lars, Pfenninger Simone E., Schiegg Markus (eds.) Intra-individual Variation in Language, De Gruyter Mouton.
But There Is Magic, Too: Confronting Adolescents' Realities in Francesca Lia Block's Fairy-Tale Rewritings
Walz Marie Emilie, 2021/07/29. Humanities, 10 (3) p. 93.
Nënë, ku je? Flaubert, Borges e Barthes (Mother, where are you? Flaubert, Borges and Barthes)
Steiner Enit Karafili, 2021/07/23. Letra nga diaspora (Letter from the Diaspora), 2 pp. 127-134.
Autonomy will set you free, or will it? Autonomy, Survival, and Precarity
Steiner Enit Karafili, 2021/06/16. pp. 108-124 dans Jane Austen and Critical Theory chap. 6, Michael Kramp.
Terra tremens: Heaney’s katabasis in District and Circle
Falconer Rachel, 2021/06/01. pp. 133-158 dans Kean Margaret (eds.) The Literature of Hell, Boydell & Brewer.
Trinitarian Hagiography in Late Medieval England: Rewriting St Robert of Knaresborough in Latin Verse
Hunter Blair Hazel J., 2021/06. Studies in Church History, 57 pp. 74-95. Peer-reviewed.
Doktor i Gjuhës, Skllav i Shkencës: Samuel Johnson dhe fjalori i anglishtes (Doctor of language and slave of science: Samuel Johnson and the Dictionary of English)
Steiner Karafili Enit, 2021/04/18. Peizazhe të Fjalës (Wordscapes)
Holy Harlots in Medieval English Religious Literature: Authority, Exemplarity and Femininity
Vuille Juliette, 2021/04/17. Gender in the Middle Ages, D. S. Brewer.
Relire Comme le sable et Le Creux de la vague: Histoire, gender et roman
Cossy Valérie, 2021/04/15. La cinquième saison, Revue littéraire romande, 14 pp. 91-97.
The Origins of the Player King and Player Queen Speech Prefixes in Hamlet
Reilly Andy, 2021/03/01. Notes & Queries, 68 (1) pp. 104-106.
Heroines and Local Girls: The Transnational Emergence of Women's Writing in the Long Eighteenth Century : by Pamela L. Cheek, Philadelphia, PA, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019, 270 pp., £66 (hardback), ISBN-13: 978-0812251487
Cossy Valérie, 2021/02/16. Women's Writing pp. 1-3.
The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne : The Divine Poems
Johnson Jeffrey S. (eds.)DONNE JOHN, 2021/01/05., Indiana University Press.
‘Pedagogies of cruelty' and the patriarchal order of the nation state: the falsos positivos as a paradigmatic example
Giraldo Isis, 2021/01/02. Postcolonial Studies, 24 (1) pp. 63-81. Peer-reviewed.
- Aïcha, Garrido Sardà Maria Rosa, 2021. pp. 1-3 dans B.A.S.S. Meier-Lorente-Muth-Duchêne (eds.) Figures of interpretation , Multilingual Matters .
Combat Death in Contemporary American Culture: Popular Cultural Conceptions of War since World War II
Soltysik Monnet Agnieszka, 2021/01/01., Lexington Books.
Dora and Medusa Share a Laugh: Reading Angela Carter’s Wise Children as a Play on Hélène Cixous’s Feminist Theory
Walz Marie Emilie, 2021. pp. 211-230 dans Gustar Jennifer, Sivyer Caleb, Gamble Sarah (eds.) Ludics and Laughter as Feminist Aesthetic: Angela Carter at Play chap. 9, Sussex Academic Press.
Endlich Zeit zum Forschen; Enfin du temps pour la recherche; Finalmente è tempo di ricerche.
Schwyter Jürg, 2021. aphasia, 1/2021 pp. 18-19, 48-49, 72-73.
Ich hoffe, dass dieses Buch Vorurteile über Aphasiker beseitigt
Schwyter Jürg, 2021. dans Lukesch Barbara (eds.) Wer sind wir ohne Sprache? Das Aphasie-Experiment, Edition Punktuell.
Medieval English Multilingualisms
Critten Rory G., Dutton Elisabeth, 2021. Language Learning, 71 pp. 12-38. Peer-reviewed.
Multilingualism, nationality and flexibility: Mobile communicators’ careers in a humanitarian agency
Garrido Maria Rosa, 2021. Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication. Peer-reviewed.
Pleasure in Knighthood: The Private Construction of a Social Identity in Partonopeu de Blois and its Middle English Adaptation
Kaempfer Lucie, 2021. Reading Medieval Studies 48 pp. 173-192. Peer-reviewed.
Resistance and Revolution: Fanon, Himes, and "a literature of combat"
Matthew Scully, 2021. African American Review, 54 (3) pp. 199-217. Peer-reviewed.
Stolz sein - Persönlich, professionell und allgemein.
Schwyter Jürg, 2021. aphasia, 3, pp. 12-13.
Traduire l’émotion: des lais bretons de Marie de France à Sir Orfeo
Kaempfer Lucie, 2021. Le Cygne, 8 pp. 11-28.
Une lune «très étrange». L’esthétique dénaturalisante d’Oscar Wilde dans Salomé et deux adaptations contemporaines
Loesch Juliette, 2021. pp. 139-155 dans Légeret Joëlle, Thévenaz Olivier (eds.) CIEL ! Regards croisés sur un espace commun entre les littératures, Faculté des lettres, Université de Lausanne.
Cape Cod, Literature, and the Illocality of Thinking About Capital
Pickford Benjamin, 2020/12/18. dans Thoreau Beyond Borders, University of Massachusetts Press.
Différence de sexe et humanité: l'aporie des Lumières selon Frankenstein
Cossy Valérie, 2020/11/09. dans Porret Michel, Testori Olinda (eds.) Frankenstein, Le démiurge des Lumières, Georg.
Supralocalisation Processes in Early Modern English Urban Vernaculars : New Manuscript Evidence from Bristol, Coventry and York
Gordon Moragh, Oudesluijs Tino, Auer Anita, 2020/10/19. International Journal of English Studies, 20 (2) pp. 47-66.
Community, Solidarity and Multilingualism in a Transnational Social Movement: A Critical Sociolinguistic Ethnography of Emmaus
Garrido Sardà Maria Rosa, 2020/09/01., 1ère édition Routledge Critical Studies in Multilingualism , Routledge .
“Lions for Lambs: Ambivalent Memorialisation and Melodrama.”
Soltysik Monnet Agnieszka, 2020/09/01. dans Hollywood Remembrance and American War.
Une critique éclairée des livres selon Isabelle de Charrière, Jane Austen et Mary Shelley
Cossy Valérie, 2020/07/01. dans Vanoflen (Laurence) (dir.) Femmes et philosophie des Lumières, De l'imaginaire à la vie des idées, Classiques Garnier.
"The Picnic is Over*… or Maybe Not : Impératif de Croissance vs Protection de l’Environnement, ou l’Impossible Conciliation."
Loetscher Audrey, 2020/05/20. Études de lettres, 312 (2020-1) pp. 51-54. Peer-reviewed.
1980: un écrivain romand est une femme
Cossy Valérie, 2020/05/20. Études de lettres 312 pp. 135-139.
“Danse pour moi, Salomé” A presença assombrada de Salome de Oscar Wilde nos bailados de Maurice Béjart
Loesch Juliette, 2020/05/01. dans de Oliveira Mickaël (eds.) A presença do texto na dança e no teatro contemporâneos, Centro de Estudos de Teatro / Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.
Répétitions avec variation : leitmotivs et résonances dans les Salomé de Maurice Béjart
Loesch Juliette, 2020/03/31. dans Gauthier Céline, Loesch Juliette, Serol Lucas (eds.) Traces et résonances. Ré-écrire, consigner, adapter la danse, Centre national de la danse, service Recherche et Répertoires chorégraphiques.
Traces et résonances. Ré-écrire, consigner, adapter la danse
Gauthier Céline, Loesch Juliette, Serol Lucas (eds.), 2020/03/31., Centre national de la danse, service Recherche et Répertoires chorégraphiques.
Cossy Valérie, 2020/02/15. dans Alice Rivaz, Come la sabbia, Romanzo, Edizioni Paginauno.
Negotiating ethics: between contractual forms and collaborative reflection [Blog entry: Chroniques du terrain]
Garrido Sardà Maria Rosa, 2020/01/21..
"Lessons of Skin: Solidary Cosmopolitanism."
Steiner Enit, 2020. Cosmopolitan Endeavors: Women's Writing. Specal Issue, 27 (2) pp. 46-62.
[Compte-rendu de] Learning Languages in Early Modern England, John Gallagher, Oxford, OUP, 2019
Critten Rory G., 2020. Journal of British Studies, 49 pp. 897-98.
[vø:rtər] Mélanges de linguistique, de philologie et d'histoire ancienne offerts à Rudolf Wachter. Avec une préface de Barbara Wachter.
Aberson Michel, Dell'Oro Francesca, de Vaan Michiel, Viredaz Antoine (eds.), 2020/01. Cahiers de l'ILSL, 60 238, Centre de linguistique et des Sciences du langage.
A Quest for Remembrance: The Underworld in Classical and Modern Literature
Falconer Rachel, Scherer Madeleine, 2020., London: Routledge.
Anarchival Dislocations: Modes of Reading (in) Black Studies
Matthew Scully, 2020. Diacritics, 48 (1) pp. 4-28. Peer-reviewed.
Angela Carter lectrice de Colette, ou les affinités électives in '1980. L'an zéro du monde contemporain?', Eds. Jérôme Meizoz et Gilles Philippe, 2020
Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère M., 2020. Etudes de Lettres, EDL 2020/1-2. Peer-reviewed.
Carter’s ‘Furious Laughter’: Baudelaire, Breton, Beckett
Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère M., 2020. dans Gustar Jennifer, Sivyer Caleb, Gamble Sarah (eds.) Ludics and Laughter as Feminist Aesthetic: Angela Carter at Play, Sussex Academic Press.
Conversations with Lacan: Seven Lectures for Understanding Lacan by Sergio Benvenuto
Matthew Scully, 2020. American Imago.
Cosmopolitan Endeavors
Steiner Enit Karafili, 2020. dans Women's Writing (27), Special Issue: Women's Writing.
Cosmopolitanism as a Practicable Orientation.” Cosmopolitan Endeavours.
Steiner Enit Karafili, 2020. Women’s Writing , 27 (2) pp. 1-10.
Der Tag an dem alles anders wurde: Mein Leben nach dem Schlaganfall; Le jour où tout a changé: Ma vie après l’attaque cérébrale; Il giorno in cui tutu cambiò: La mia vita dopo il colpo apoplettico.
Schwyter Jürg R., 2020. aphasia.
Ein persönlicher Erfahrungsbericht zur Coronakrise; Un témoignage personnel sur la crise du Covid-19; Un racconto d’esperienza personale sulla crisi del coronavirus.
Schwyter Jürg, 2020. aphasia.
Eleventh-Century Drag Acts? Three Old English Poems at Exeter Cathedral
Critten Rory G., 2020. Exemplaria, 32 (4) pp. 346-367. Peer-reviewed.
Form and Fluidity: Reshaping the Pore Caitif and Contemplations of the Dread and Love of God in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 423 and Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 938
Denissen Diana, 2020. dans Cré Marleen, Denissen Diana, Renevey Denis (eds.) Late Medieval Devotional Compilations in England , Brepols.
Household Knowledges in Late Medieval England and France
Burger Glenn D., Critten Rory G. (eds.), 2020., Manchester University Press.
Introduction: The Home Life of Information
Burger Glenn D., Critten Rory G., 2020. pp. 1-15 dans Household Knowledges in Late Medieval England and France, Manchester University Press.
Language as a resource with fluctuating values: Arabic speakers in humanitarian and social work
Hassemer Jonas, Garrido Sardà Maria Rosa, 2020. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 264 pp. 131-161. Peer-reviewed.
Late Medieval Devotional Compilations in England
Cré Marleen, Denissen Diana, Renevey Denis (eds.), 2020., Brepols.
Locating Charles d'Orléans: In France, In England, and Out of Europe
Critten Rory G., 2020. New Medieval Literatures, 20 pp. 174-215. Peer-reviewed.
Memory and Forgetfulness in Seamus Heaney’s Underworlds
Falconer Rachel, 2020. pp. 218-238 dans Falconer Rachel, Scherer Madeleine (eds.) A Quest for Remembrance: The Underworld in Classical and Modern Literature chap. 10, Routledge.
Paroles de bêtes et critique de l’anthropocentrisme chez Angela Carter: de la traduction à la réécriture de 'La Belle et la Bête'
Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère M., 2020. dans Taivalkoski-Shilov Kristiina, Poncharal Bruno (eds.) Traduire les voix de la nature, York University.
Renaissance Personhood: Materiality, Taxonomy, Process
Curran Kevin, 2020., Edinburgh University Press.
The Multilingual Household in a European Perspective: London, British Library MS Harley 2253 and the Traffic of Texts
Critten Rory G., 2020. pp. 219-43 dans Household Knowledges in Late Medieval England and France, Manchester University Press.
Transnational trajectories of multilingual workers: sociolinguistic approaches to emergent entrepreneurial selves
Garrido Maria Rosa, Sabaté-Dalmau Maria, 2020. International Journal of Multilingualism , 17 (1) pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Voelke Pierre, 2020. pp. 93-97 dans Aberson Michel, Dell'Oro Francesca, De Vaan Michiel, Viredaz Antoine (eds.) [vøːrtər] Mélanges de linguistique, de philologie et d’histoire ancienne offerts à Rudolf Wachter, Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage de l’Université de Lausanne .
‘Desyrable is thi name': Fashioning the Name of Jesus in Some Devotional Compilations
Renevey Denis, 2020/01. pp. 291-308 dans Cré Marleen, Denissen Diana, Renevey Denis (eds.) Medieval Church Studies, Brepols Publishers.
‘Wordsworth’s Soundings in the Aeneid’
Falconer Rachel, 2020. Romanticism, 26 (1) pp. 23-37. Peer-reviewed.
The Genres of Genre: Form, Formats, and Cultural Formations
Heim Cécile, Vejdovsky Boris, Pickford Benjamin (eds.), 2019/12/01., Narr.
« C’est curieux ça » : L’écriture translingue comme démarche esthétique dans la Salomé d’Oscar Wilde
Loesch Juliette, 2019/12/01. pp. 111-120 dans Anokhina Olga, Ausoni Alain (eds.) Vivre entre les langues, écrire en français, Editions des archives contemporaines.
Stephen Graham Jones
Heim Cécile, 2019/11/23. The Literary Encyclopedia.
"Ce que vous me dites est l'accomplissement de vous-même"
Cossy Valérie, 2019/11/07. dans Tout Catherine Colomb, Zoé.
"Taking Carbon Culture to Court: Civil Lawsuits as Political Manifestoes in US Climate Change Litigation."
Loetscher Audrey, 2019/10/14. SPELL (Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature), 38 pp. 43-63. Peer-reviewed.
Heaney and Virgil's Underworld Journey
Falconer Rachel, 2019/09/01. dans Harrison Stephen , Macintosh Fiona, Kenward Claire , Eastman Helen (eds.) Seamus Heaney and the Classics: Bann Valley Muses, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
La nouvelle jeunesse des contes. Transcréations des recueils de Perrault et des Grimm
François Cyrille, Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère Martine (eds.), 2019/09., 3 310 232, Etudes de Lettres.
Translation, Illustration, Transcreation. From the Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault to Classic Fairy Tales Retold
Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère M., 2019/09/01. Revue Etudes de lettres 310 pp. 59-80. Peer-reviewed.
Review essay: Jonathan Vincent, The Health of the State: Modern US War Narrative and the American Political Imagination, 1890–1964 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, £62.00). Journal of American Studies 08/2019; 53(03):852-853.
Soltysik Monnet Agnieszka, 2019/08/01. Journal of American Studies.
The Unnatural and Accidental Women
Heim Cécile, 2019/07/24. The Literary Encyclopedia.
Cossy Valérie, 2019/06/12. dans Alice Rivaz, La pace degli alveari, Paginauno.
Harmoniser un trio désaccordé? Amour, désir, et féminisme selon Alice Rivaz
Cossy Valérie, 2019/05/31. dans De l'amour chez les écrivains genevois, Société Genevoise des Écrivains - Suzanne Hurter.
Jeux de langue et Olympiade linguistique : méthodes ludiques pour diffuser le savoir linguistique
de Vaan Michiel, Auer Anita, 2019/05/07. Cahiers de l'ILSL 58 pp. 213-228. Peer-reviewed.
Via Rome: Medieval Medievalisms in the Old English Ruin
Critten Rory G., 2019/05. Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 49 (2) pp. 209-231. Peer-reviewed.
"Mary Wollstonecraft’s ‘Love of Mankind’ and Cosmopolitan Suffering".
Steiner Enit Karafili, 2019. Studies in Romanticism, 58 (1) pp. 3-26. Peer-reviewed.
[Compte-rendu de] The Auchinleck Manuscript: New Perspectives, Susanna Fein (ed.), Cambridge, Brewer, 2016
Critten Rory G., 2019. Anglia, 137 pp. 495–498.
Angela Carter’s objets trouvés in Translation: from Baudelaire to Black Venus
Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère M., 2019. pp. 98-126 dans Mulvey-Roberts Marie (eds.) The Arts of Angela Carter : A Cabinet of Curiosities, Manchester University Press.
Die Stadtsprache Yorks im späten Mittelalter. Ein Baustein zu einer alternativen Standardisierungsgeschichte des Englischen
Auer Anita, 2019. pp. 81-95 dans Pickl Simon, Elspaß Stephan (eds.) Historische Soziolinguistik der Stadtsprachen. Kontakt – Variation – Wandel, Winter.
Geographical Variation in Late Medieval Administrative Documents: Evidence from York and Coventry
Oudesluijs Tino, Auer Anita, 2019. pp. 111-133 dans Stenroos Merja, Mäkkinen Martti, Thengs Kjetil Vikhamar, Traxel Oliver Martin (eds.) Essays and Studies in Middle English – 10th International Conference on Middle English, Peter Lang.
How One Medieval Nun Reformed a Devil’s Nest
Denissen Diana, 2019. The Public Medievalist.
Les métamorphoses de 'La Belle au Bois dormant' en traduction: du salon mondain à la nursery victorienne
Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère M., 2019. pp. 57-79 dans Auraix-Jonchière Pascale, Calas Frédéric (eds.) La Belle au Bois dormant' en ses métamorphoses: Textualité, transtextualité, iconotextualité., Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal.
Linguistic Regionalism in the York Corpus Christi Plays
Auer Anita, 2019. pp. 111-122 dans Auer Anita, Renevey Denis, Marshall Camille, Oudesluijs Tino (eds.) Revisiting the Medieval North: Interdisciplinary Approaches, University of Wales Press.
Middle English Devotional Compilations: Composing Imaginative Variations in Late Medieval England
Denissen Diana, 2019., University of Wales Press.
Revisiting the Medieval North of England: Interdisciplinary Approaches
Auer Anita, Renevey Denis, Marshall Camille, Oudesluijs Tino (eds.), 2019. Religion and Culture in the Middle Ages 240, University of Wales Press.
Setting the Scene: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Medieval North of England
Auer Anita, Renevey Denis, Marshall Camille, Oudesluijs Tino, 2019. pp. 1-12 dans Revisiting the Medieval North: Interdisciplinary Approaches, edited by Anita Auer, Denis Renevey, Camille Marshall & Tino Oudesluijs, University of Wales Press.
The Face of Judgment in Measure for Measure
Curran Kevin, 2019. dans Face-to-Face in Shakespearean Drama.
The Manières de Langage as Evidence for the Use of Spoken French Within Fifteenth-Century England
Critten Rory G., 2019. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 55 (2) pp. 121-37. Peer-reviewed.
The Mundys Will Never Let You Die: Reproducing Images and Stories of Snow White in Bill Willingham’s Fables
Pozniak Lucia, Walz Marie Emilie, 2019. Etudes de Lettres, 310 pp. 207-231.
The Work of Difference: Modernism, Romanticism, and the Production of Literary Form by Audrey Wasser
Matthew Scully, 2019. SubStance.
« Chemins de l’in(ter)disciplinarité » : une démarche exploratoire à la croisée des sciences de la culture et des sciences de la nature
Berthoud Anne-Claude, Merminod Gilles, 2019. dans Journée de la recherche 2019.
«Les Fées» en Angleterre: du salon d’Ancien Régime au jardin des Lumières
Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère M., 2019. pp. 73-88 dans Peyrache-Leborgne Dominique (eds.) L'écho des contes: Des Fées de Perrault à Dame Holle des Grimm. Versions littéraires, variantes populaires et reconfigurations pour la jeunesse, Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
“Mood, Provisionality, and Planetarity in Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.”
Steiner Enit Karafili, 2019. Criticism, 61 (1) pp. 27-50.
Ennuyeuse l'Angleterre de Corinne?
Cossy Valérie, 2018/12/10. Annales Benjamin Constant, 43 pp. 43-57.
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