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103 publications

2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 |
Systemic PPARγ deletion in mice provokes lipoatrophy, organomegaly, severe type 2 diabetes and metabolic inflexibility.
Gilardi F., Winkler C., Quignodon L., Diserens J.G., Toffoli B., Schiffrin M., Sardella C., Preitner F., Desvergne B., 2019/06. Metabolism, 95 pp. 8-20. Peer-reviewed.
Differential regulation of RNA polymerase III genes during liver regeneration.
Yeganeh M., Praz V., Carmeli C., Villeneuve D., Rib L., Guex N., Herr W., Delorenzi M., Hernandez N., CycliX consortium, 2019/02/28. Nucleic Acids Research, 47 (4) pp. 1786-1796. Peer-reviewed.
Induction of Paracrine Signaling in Metastatic Melanoma Cells by PPARγ Agonist Rosiglitazone Activates Stromal Cells and Enhances Tumor Growth.
Pich C., Meylan P., Mastelic-Gavillet B., Nguyen T.N., Loyon R., Trang B.K., Moser H., Moret C., Goepfert C., Hafner J. et al., 2018/11/15. Cancer research, 78 (22) pp. 6447-6461. Peer-reviewed.
Delayed Hair Follicle Morphogenesis and Hair Follicle Dystrophy in a Lipoatrophy Mouse Model of Pparg Total Deletion.
Sardella C., Winkler C., Quignodon L., Hardman J.A., Toffoli B., Giordano Attianese GMP, Hundt J.E., Michalik L., Vinson C.R., Paus R. et al., 2018/03. The Journal of investigative dermatology, 138 (3) pp. 500-510. Peer-reviewed.
Hemicentin 1 influences podocyte dynamic changes in glomerular diseases.
Toffoli B., Zennaro C., Winkler C., Giordano Attianese GMP, Bernardi S., Carraro M., Gilardi F., Desvergne B., 2018. American Journal of Physiology. Renal physiology, 314 (6) pp. F1154-F1165. Peer-reviewed.
Lack of Adipocytes Alters Hematopoiesis in Lipodystrophic Mice.
Wilson A., Fu H., Schiffrin M., Winkler C., Koufany M., Jouzeau J.Y., Bonnet N., Gilardi F., Renevey F., Luther S.A. et al., 2018. Frontiers in immunology, 9 p. 2573. Peer-reviewed.
PPARγ Controls Ectopic Adipogenesis and Cross-Talks with Myogenesis During Skeletal Muscle Regeneration.
Dammone G., Karaz S., Lukjanenko L., Winkler C., Sizzano F., Jacot G., Migliavacca E., Palini A., Desvergne B., Gilardi F. et al., 2018. InternationalJjournal of Molecular Sciences, 19 (7) p. 2044. Peer-reviewed.
From chronic overnutrition to metaflammation and insulin resistance: adipose tissue and liver contributions.
Caputo T., Gilardi F., Desvergne B., 2017. FEBS Letters, 591 (19) pp. 3061-3088. Peer-reviewed.
HDAC3 is a molecular brake of the metabolic switch supporting white adipose tissue browning.
Ferrari A., Longo R., Fiorino E., Silva R., Mitro N., Cermenati G., Gilardi F., Desvergne B., Andolfo A., Magagnotti C. et al., 2017. Nature Communications, 8 (1) p. 93. Peer-reviewed.
Nephropathy in Pparg-null mice highlights PPARγ systemic activities in metabolism and in the immune system.
Toffoli B., Gilardi F., Winkler C., Soderberg M., Kowalczuk L., Arsenijevic Y., Bamberg K., Bonny O., Desvergne B., 2017. PLoS One, 12 (2) pp. e0171474. Peer-reviewed.
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of a class of bioisosteric oximes of the novel dual peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α/γ ligand LT175.
Piemontese L., Fracchiolla G., Carrieri A., Parente M., Laghezza A., Carbonara G., Sblano S., Tauro M., Gilardi F., Tortorella P. et al., 2015. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 90 pp. 583-594. Peer-reviewed.
Integrative and systemic approaches for evaluating PPARβ/δ (PPARD) function.
Giordano Attianese G.M., Desvergne B., 2015. Nuclear Receptor Signaling, 13 pp. e001.
PPAR Gamma Receptor, Skin Lipids and Hair
Toffoli B., Desvergne B., 2015. pp. 277-288 dans Pappas A. (eds.) Lipids and skin health chap. 18, Springer.
PPARγ controls pregnancy outcome through activation of EG-VEGF: new insights into the mechanism of placental development.
Garnier V., Traboulsi W., Salomon A., Brouillet S., Fournier T., Winkler C., Desvergne B., Hoffmann P., Zhou Q.Y., Congiu C. et al., 2015. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism, 309 (4) pp. E357-E369.
Genome-wide analysis of SREBP1 activity around the clock reveals its combined dependency on nutrient and circadian signals.
Gilardi F., Migliavacca E., Naldi A., Baruchet M., Canella D., Le Martelot G., Guex N., Desvergne B., CycliX Consortium, 2014. PLoS Genetics, 10 (3) pp. e1004155. Peer-reviewed.
Impaired musculoskeletal response to age and exercise in PPARβ(-/-) diabetic mice.
Fu H., Desvergne B., Ferrari S., Bonnet N., 2014. Endocrinology, 155 (12) pp. 4686-4696.
Quantifying ChIP-seq data: a spiking method providing an internal reference for sample-to-sample normalization.
Bonhoure N., Bounova G., Bernasconi D., Praz V., Lammers F., Canella D., Willis I.M., Herr W., Hernandez N., Delorenzi M. et al., 2014. Genome Research, 24 (7) pp. 1157-1168. Peer-reviewed.
RXRs: collegial partners.
Gilardi F., Desvergne B., 2014. pp. 75-102 dans Asson-Batres M.A., Rochette-Egly C. (eds.) The biochemistry of retinoic acid receptors I: structure, activation, and function at the molecular level chap. 5, Springer.
Dynamical modeling and analysis of large cellular regulatory networks.
Bérenguier D., Chaouiya C., Monteiro P.T., Naldi A., Remy E., Thieffry D., Tichit L., 2013. Chaos, 23 (2) p. 025114.
On circuit functionality in boolean networks.
Comet J.P., Noual M., Richard A., Aracena J., Calzone L., Demongeot J., Kaufman M., Naldi A., Snoussi el H, Thieffry D., 2013. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75 (6) pp. 906-919.
PPARβ/δ governs Wnt signaling and bone turnover.
Scholtysek C., Katzenbeisser J., Fu H., Uderhardt S., Ipseiz N., Stoll C., Zaiss M.M., Stock M., Donhauser L., Böhm C. et al., 2013. Nature Medicine, 19 (5) pp. 608-613.
SOCS3 Transactivation by PPARγ Prevents IL-17-Driven Cancer Growth.
Berger H., Végran F., Chikh M., Gilardi F., Ladoire S., Bugaut H., Mignot G., Chalmin F., Bruchard M., Derangère V. et al., 2013. Cancer Research, 73 (12) pp. 3578-3590. Peer-reviewed.
A multiplicity of factors contributes to selective RNA polymerase III occupancy of a subset of RNA polymerase III genes in mouse liver.
Canella D., Bernasconi D., Gilardi F., LeMartelot G., Migliavacca E., Praz V., Cousin P., Delorenzi M., Hernandez N., CycliX Consortium, 2012. Genome Research, 22 (4) pp. 666-680. Peer-reviewed.
Cell autonomous lipin 1 function is essential for development and maintenance of white and brown adipose tissue.
Nadra K., Médard J.J., Mul J.D., Han G.S., Grès S., Pende M., Metzger D., Chambon P., Cuppen E., Saulnier-Blache J.S. et al., 2012. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 32 (23) pp. 4794-4810. Peer-reviewed.
Epineurial adipocytes are dispensable for Schwann cell myelination.
Nadra K., Médard J.J., Quignodon L., Verheijen M.H., Desvergne B., Chrast R., 2012. Journal of Neurochemistry, 123 (5) pp. 662-667.
Genome-wide RNA polymerase II profiles and RNA accumulation reveal kinetics of transcription and associated epigenetic changes during diurnal cycles.
Le Martelot G., Canella D., Symul L., Migliavacca E., Gilardi F., Liechti R., Martin O., Harshman K., Delorenzi M., Desvergne B. et al., 2012. PLoS Biology, 10 (11) pp. e1001442. Peer-reviewed.
Linking epigenetics to lipid metabolism: focus on histone deacetylases.
Ferrari A., Fiorino E., Giudici M., Gilardi F., Galmozzi A., Mitro N., Cermenati G., Godio C., Caruso D., De Fabiani E. et al., 2012. Molecular Membrane Biology, 29 (7) pp. 257-266. Peer-reviewed.
Morbillivirus glycoprotein expression induces ER stress, alters Ca2+ homeostasis and results in the release of vasostatin.
Brunner J.M., Plattet P., Doucey M.A., Rosso L., Curie T., Montagner A., Wittek R., Vandelvelde M., Zurbriggen A., Hirling H. et al., 2012. PLoS One, 7 (3) pp. e32803.
Potential Role of TRAIL in the Management of Autoimmune Diabetes Mellitus.
Bernardi S., Norcio A., Toffoli B., Zauli G., Secchiero P., 2012. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 18 (35) pp. 5759-5765.
Endocrine disruptors: from endocrine to metabolic disruption.
Casals-Casas C., Desvergne B., 2011. Annual Review of Physiology, 73 pp. 135-162.
NCoR1 is a conserved physiological modulator of muscle mass and oxidative function.
Yamamoto H., Williams E.G., Mouchiroud L., Cantó C., Fan W., Downes M., Héligon C., Barish G.D., Desvergne B., Evans R.M. et al., 2011. Cell, 147 (4) pp. 827-839.
EuroPhenome: a repository for high-throughput mouse phenotyping data.
Morgan H., Beck T., Blake A., Gates H., Adams N., Debouzy G., Leblanc S., Lengger C., Maier H., Melvin D. et al., 2010/01. Nucleic acids research, 38 (Database issue) pp. D577-85. Peer-reviewed.
Induction of cardiac Angptl4 by dietary fatty acids is mediated by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta and protects against fatty acid-induced oxidative stress.
Georgiadi A., Lichtenstein L., Degenhardt T., Boekschoten M.V., van Bilsen M., Desvergne B., Müller M., Kersten S., 2010. Circulation Research, 106 (11) pp. 1712-1721. Peer-reviewed.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma activation is required for maintenance of innate antimicrobial immunity in the colon.
Peyrin-Biroulet L., Beisner J., Wang G., Nuding S., Oommen S.T., Kelly D., Parmentier-Decrucq E., Dessein R., Merour E., Chavatte P. et al., 2010. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107 (19) pp. 8772-8777. Peer-reviewed.
PPARgamma in placental angiogenesis.
Nadra K., Quignodon L., Sardella C., Joye E., Mucciolo A., Chrast R., Desvergne B., 2010. Endocrinology, 151 (10) pp. 4969-4981. Peer-reviewed.
Protective role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-β/δ in septic shock.
Kapoor A., Shintani Y., Collino M., Osuchowski M.F., Busch D., Patel N.S., Sepodes B., Castiglia S., Fantozzi R., Bishop-Bailey D. et al., 2010. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 182 (12) pp. 1506-1515.
The pollutant diethylhexyl phthalate regulates hepatic energy metabolism via species-specific PPARalpha-dependent mechanisms.
Feige J.N., Gerber A., Casals-Casas C., Yang Q., Winkler C., Bedu E., Bueno M., Gelman L., Auwerx J., Gonzalez F.J. et al., 2010. Environmental Health Perspectives, 118 (2) pp. 234-241. Peer-reviewed.
The PPARbeta/delta agonist GW0742 relaxes pulmonary vessels and limits right heart hypertrophy in rats with hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension.
Harrington L.S., Moreno L., Reed A., Wort S.J., Desvergne B., Garland C., Zhao L., Mitchell J.A., 2010. PLoS One, 5 (3) pp. e9526. Peer-reviewed.
Transcriptional profiling reveals divergent roles of PPARalpha and PPARbeta/delta in regulation of gene expression in mouse liver.
Sanderson L.M., Boekschoten M.V., Desvergne B., Müller M., Kersten S., 2010. Physiological Genomics, 41 (1) pp. 42-52.
PPAR-mediated activity of phthalates: A link to the obesity epidemic?
Desvergne B., Feige J.N., Casals-Casas C., 2009/05. Molecular and cellular endocrinology, 304 (1-2) pp. 43-48. Peer-reviewed.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta) but not PPARalpha serves as a plasma free fatty acid sensor in liver.
Sanderson L.M., Degenhardt T., Koppen A., Kalkhoven E., Desvergne B., Müller M., Kersten S., 2009. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 29 (23) pp. 6257-6267. Peer-reviewed.
PPAR beta/delta Agonists Modulate Platelet Function via a Mechanism Involving PPAR Receptors and Specific Association/Repression of PKC alpha-Brief Report
Ali F.Y., Hall M.G., Desvergne B., Warner T.D., Mitchell J.A., 2009. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 29 (11) pp. 1871-1873. Peer-reviewed.
Steroid hormone pulsing drives cyclic gene expression.
Desvergne B., Héligon C., 2009. Nature Cell Biology, 11 (9) pp. 1051-1053.
Interference of pollutants with PPARs: endocrine disruption meets metabolism.
Casals-Casas C., Feige J.N., Desvergne B., 2008. International Journal of Obesity, 32 Suppl 6 pp. S53-S61. Peer-reviewed.
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor beta/delta in the Brain: Facts and Hypothesis.
Hall M.G., Quignodon L., Desvergne B., 2008. PPAR Research, 2008 p. 780452.
PPAR disruption: Cellular mechanisms and physiological consequences
Rotman N., Haftek-Terreau Z., Luecke S., Feige J., Gelman L., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2008. CHIMIA, 62 (5) pp. 340-344. Peer-reviewed.
PPARdelta/beta: the lobbyist switching macrophage allegiance in favor of metabolism.
Desvergne B., 2008. Cell Metabolism, 7 (6) pp. 467-469. Peer-reviewed.
Double gene deletion reveals the lack of cooperation between PPARalpha and PPARbeta in skeletal muscle.
Bedu E., Desplanches D., Pequignot J., Bordier B., Desvergne B., 2007/06. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 357 (4) pp. 877-881. Peer-reviewed.
Adipose tissue integrity as a prerequisite for systemic energy balance: a critical role for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma.
Anghel S.I., Bedu E., Vivier C.D., Descombes P., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2007. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282 (41) pp. 29946-29957. Peer-reviewed.
Association with coregulators is the major determinant governing peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor mobility in living cells.
Tudor C., Feige J.N., Pingali H., Lohray V.B., Wahli W., Desvergne B., Engelborghs Y., Gelman L., 2007. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282 (7) pp. 4417-4426. Peer-reviewed.
Combined simulation and mutagenesis analyses reveal the involvement of key residues for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha helix 12 dynamic behavior.
Michalik L., Zoete V., Krey G., Grosdidier A., Gelman L., Chodanowski P., Feige J.N., Desvergne B., Wahli W., Michielin O., 2007. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282 (13) pp. 9666-9677. Peer-reviewed.
Glycogen synthase 2 is a novel target gene of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors.
Mandard S., Stienstra R., Escher P., Tan N.S., Kim I., Gonzalez F.J., Wahli W., Desvergne B., Müller M., Kersten S., 2007. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 64 (9) pp. 1145-1157. Peer-reviewed.
IL-13 induces expression of CD36 in human monocytes through PPARgamma activation.
Berry A., Balard P., Coste A., Olagnier D., Lagane C., Authier H., Benoit-Vical F., Lepert J.C., Séguéla J.P., Magnaval J.F. et al., 2007. European Journal of Immunology, 37 (6) pp. 1642-1652. Peer-reviewed.
Malignant transformation of DMBA/TPA-induced papillomas and nevi in the skin of mice selectively lacking retinoid-X-receptor alpha in epidermal keratinocytes.
Indra A.K., Castaneda E., Antal M.C., Jiang M., Messaddeq N., Meng X., Loehr C.V., Gariglio P., Kato S., Wahli W. et al., 2007. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 127 (5) pp. 1250-1260. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular basis of selective PPARgamma modulation for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.
Gelman L., Feige J.N., Desvergne B., 2007. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1771 (8) pp. 1094-1107. Peer-reviewed.
MRI monitoring of focal cerebral ischemia in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-deficient mice.
Pialat J.B., Cho T.H., Beuf O., Joye E., Moucharrafie S., Moucharaffie S., Langlois J.B., Nemoz C., Janier M., Berthezene Y. et al., 2007. NMR in Biomedicine, 20 (3) pp. 335-342. Peer-reviewed.
PPARs special issue: anchoring the present to explore the future.
Desvergne B., 2007. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1771 (8) pp. 913-914. Peer-reviewed.
Retinaldehyde: more than meets the eye.
Desvergne B., 2007. Nature Medicine, 13 (6) pp. 671-673. Peer-reviewed.
RXR: from partnership to leadership in metabolic regulations.
Desvergne B., 2007. Vitamins and Hormones, 75 pp. 1-32. Peer-reviewed.
Stage-specific integration of maternal and embryonic peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta signaling is critical to pregnancy success.
Wang H., Xie H., Sun X., Tranguch S., Zhang H., Jia X., Wang D., Das S.K., Desvergne B., Wahli W. et al., 2007. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282 (52) pp. 37770-37782. Peer-reviewed.
The endocrine disruptor monoethyl-hexyl-phthalate is a selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma modulator that promotes adipogenesis.
Feige J.N., Gelman L., Rossi D., Zoete V., Métivier R., Tudor C., Anghel S.I., Grosdidier A., Lathion C., Engelborghs Y. et al., 2007. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282 (26) pp. 19152-19166. Peer-reviewed.
Crosstalk between peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta and VEGF stimulates cancer progression.
Wang D., Wang H., Guo Y., Ning W., Katkuri S., Wahli W., Desvergne B., Dey S.K., DuBois R.N., 2006. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103 (50) pp. 19069-19074. Peer-reviewed.
Differentiation of trophoblast giant cells and their metabolic functions are dependent on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta.
Nadra K., Anghel S.I., Joye E., Tan N.S., Basu-Modak S., Trono D., Wahli W., Desvergne B., 2006. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 26 (8) pp. 3266-3281. Peer-reviewed.
From molecular action to physiological outputs: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors are nuclear receptors at the crossroads of key cellular functions.
Feige J.N., Gelman L., Michalik L., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2006. Progress in Lipid Research, 45 (2) pp. 120-159. Peer-reviewed.
Integrating nuclear receptor mobility in models of gene regulation.
Gelman L., Feige J.N., Tudor C., Engelborghs Y., Wahli W., Desvergne B., 2006. Nuclear Receptor Signaling, 4 pp. e010. Peer-reviewed.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha-null mice have increased white adipose tissue glucose utilization, GLUT4, and fat mass: Role in liver and brain.
Knauf C., Rieusset J., Foretz M., Cani P.D., Uldry M., Hosokawa M., Martinez E., Bringart M., Waget A., Kersten S. et al., 2006. Endocrinology, 147 (9) pp. 4067-4078. Peer-reviewed.
PGC1alpha expression is controlled in skeletal muscles by PPARbeta, whose ablation results in fiber-type switching, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.
Schuler M., Ali F., Chambon C., Duteil D., Bornert J.M., Tardivel A., Desvergne B., Wahli W., Chambon P., Metzger D., 2006. Cell Metabolism, 4 (5) pp. 407-414. Peer-reviewed.
PPARbeta/delta regulates paneth cell differentiation via controlling the hedgehog signaling pathway
Varnat F., Desvergne B., 2006. Gastroenterology, 131 (5) pp. 1658-1659. Peer-reviewed.
PPARbeta/delta regulates paneth cell differentiation via controlling the hedgehog signaling pathway.
Varnat F., Heggeler B.B., Grisel P., Boucard N., Corthésy-Theulaz I., Wahli W., Desvergne B., 2006. Gastroenterology, 131 (2) pp. 538-553. Peer-reviewed.
PPARs in fetal and early postnatal development
Rotman N., Michalik L., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2006. pp. 33-64 dans Tanejah R. (eds.) Nuclear receptors in development chap. 2, Elsevier.
PPARs: lipid sensors that regulate cell differentiation processes
Varnat F., Michalik L., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2006. pp. 117-131 dans Brigelius-Flohé R., Joost H.G. (eds.) Nutritional genomics : impact on health and disease chap. 7, Wiley-VCH.
Role of prostacyclin versus peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta receptors in prostacyclin sensing by lung fibroblasts.
Ali F.Y., Egan K., FitzGerald G.A., Desvergne B., Wahli W., Bishop-Bailey D., Warner T.D., Mitchell J.A., 2006. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 34 (2) pp. 242-246. Peer-reviewed.
Transcriptional regulation of metabolism.
Desvergne B., Michalik L., Wahli W., 2006. Physiological Reviews, 86 (2) pp. 465-514. Peer-reviewed.
EMPReSS: standardised phenotype screens for functional annotation of the mouse genome
Eumorphia_Consortium, Wahli W., Delgado MB., Desvergne B., Michalik L., Bedu E., 2005. Nature Genetics, 37 (11) p. 1155. Peer-reviewed.
Epithelium-mesenchyme interactions control the activity of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta during hair follicle development.
Di-Poï N., Ng C.Y., Tan N.S., Yang Z., Hemmings B.A., Desvergne B., Michalik L., Wahli W., 2005. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 25 (5) pp. 1696-1712. Peer-reviewed.
Fluorescence imaging reveals the nuclear behavior of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor/retinoid X receptor heterodimers in the absence and presence of ligand.
Feige J.N., Gelman L., Tudor C., Engelborghs Y., Wahli W., Desvergne B., 2005. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280 (18) pp. 17880-17890. Peer-reviewed.
Functional role of RXRs and PPARgamma in mature adipocytes.
Metzger D., Imai T., Jiang M., Takukawa R., Desvergne B., Wahli W., Chambon P., 2005. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Essential Fatty Acids, 73 (1) pp. 51-58. Peer-reviewed.
Genetic- or transforming growth factor-beta 1-induced changes in epidermal peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta expression dictate wound repair kinetics.
Tan N.S., Michalik L., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2005. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280 (18) pp. 18163-18170. Peer-reviewed.
Intestinal antiinflammatory effect of 5-aminosalicylic acid is dependent on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma.
Rousseaux C., Lefebvre B., Dubuquoy L., Lefebvre P., Romano O., Auwerx J., Metzger D., Wahli W., Desvergne B., Naccari G.C. et al., 2005. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 201 (8) pp. 1205-1215. Peer-reviewed.
Kinase signaling cascades that modulate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors.
Gelman L., Michalik L., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2005. Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 17 (2) pp. 216-222. Peer-reviewed.
Multiple expression control mechanisms of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and their target genes.
Tan N.S., Michalik L., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2005. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 93 (2-5) pp. 99-105. Peer-reviewed.
Pancreatic islet adaptation to fasting is dependent on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha transcriptional up-regulation of fatty acid oxidation.
Gremlich S., Nolan C., Roduit R., Burcelin R., Peyot M.L., Delghingaro-Augusto V., Desvergne B., Michalik L., Prentki M., Wahli W., 2005. Endocrinology, 146 (1) pp. 375-382. Peer-reviewed.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta as a therapeutic target for metabolic diseases.
Bedu E., Wahli W., Desvergne B., 2005. Expert Opinion On Therapeutic Targets, 9 (4) pp. 861-873. Peer-reviewed.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta exerts a strong protection from ischemic acute renal failure.
Letavernier E., Perez J., Joye E., Bellocq A., Fouqueray B., Haymann J.P., Heudes D., Wahli W., Desvergne B., Baud L., 2005. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 16 (8) pp. 2395-2402. Peer-reviewed.
PixFRET, an ImageJ plug-in for FRET calculation that can accommodate variations in spectral bleed-throughs.
Feige J.N., Sage D., Wahli W., Desvergne B., Gelman L., 2005. Microscopy Research and Technique, 68 (1) pp. 51-58. Peer-reviewed.
Promoter rearrangements cause species-specific hepatic regulation of the glyoxylate reductase/hydroxypyruvate reductase gene by the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha.
Genolet R., Kersten S., Braissant O., Mandard S., Tan N.S., Bucher P., Desvergne B., Michalik L., Wahli W., 2005. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280 (25) pp. 24143-24152. Peer-reviewed.
Scaffold attachment factor B1 directly interacts with nuclear receptors in living cells and represses transcriptional activity.
Debril M.B., Dubuquoy L., Feige J.N., Wahli W., Desvergne B., Auwerx J., Gelman L., 2005. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 35 (3) pp. 503-517. Peer-reviewed.
Selective expression of a dominant-negative form of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor in keratinocytes leads to impaired epidermal healing.
Michalik L., Feige J.N., Gelman L., Pedrazzini T., Keller H., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2005. Molecular Endocrinology, 19 (9) pp. 2335-2348. Peer-reviewed.
Transcriptional repression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta in murine keratinocytes by CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins.
Di-Poï N., Desvergne B., Michalik L., Wahli W., 2005. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280 (46) pp. 38700-38710. Peer-reviewed.
Altered growth in male peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) heterozygous mice: involvement of PPARgamma in a negative feedback regulation of growth hormone action.
Rieusset J., Seydoux J., Anghel S.I., Escher P., Michalik L., Soon Tan N., Metzger D., Chambon P., Wahli W., Desvergne B., 2004. Molecular Endocrinology, 18 (10) pp. 2363-2377. Peer-reviewed.
Be fit or be sick: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors are down the road.
Desvergne B., Michalik L., Wahli W., 2004. Molecular Endocrinology, 18 (6) pp. 1321-1332. Peer-reviewed.
Critical roles of the nuclear receptor PPARbeta (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor beta) in skin wound healing.
Tan N.S., Michalik L., Di-Poï N., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2004. Biochemical Society Transactions, 32 (Pt 1) pp. 97-102. Peer-reviewed.
Essential role of Smad3 in the inhibition of inflammation-induced PPARbeta/delta expression.
Tan N.S., Michalik L., Di-Poï N., Ng C.Y., Mermod N., Roberts A.B., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2004. EMBO Journal, 23 (21) pp. 4211-4221. Peer-reviewed.
Functions of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) in skin homeostasis.
Di-Poï N., Michalik L., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2004. Lipids, 39 (11) pp. 1093-1099. Peer-reviewed.
In vivo activation of PPAR target genes by RXR homodimers.
Ijpenberg A., Tan N.S., Gelman L., Kersten S., Seydoux J., Xu J., Metzger D., Canaple L., Chambon P., Wahli W. et al., 2004. EMBO Journal, 23 (10) pp. 2083-2091. Peer-reviewed.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma is required in mature white and brown adipocytes for their survival in the mouse.
Imai T., Takakuwa R., Marchand S., Dentz E., Bornert J.M., Messaddeq N., Wendling O., Mark M., Desvergne B., Wahli W. et al., 2004. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101 (13) pp. 4543-4547. Peer-reviewed.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-beta as a target for wound healing drugs.
Tan N.S., Michalik L., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2004. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, 8 (1) pp. 39-48. Peer-reviewed.
Peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma activation stimulates keratinocyte differentiation.
Mao-Qiang M., Fowler A.J., Schmuth M., Lau P., Chang S., Brown B.E., Moser A.H., Michalik L., Desvergne B., Wahli W. et al., 2004. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 123 (2) pp. 305-312. Peer-reviewed.
Peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors and cancers: complex stories.
Michalik L., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2004. Nature Reviews. Cancer, 4 (1) pp. 61-70. Peer-reviewed.
PPARs in health and disease : central roles in energy homeostasis and tissue repair.
Wahli W, Michalik L, Desvergne B, 2004. BIO, 11 pp. 26-31. Peer-reviewed.
Prostaglandin E(2) promotes colorectal adenoma growth via transactivation of the nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta.
Wang D., Wang H., Shi Q., Katkuri S., Walhi W., Desvergne B., Das S.K., Dey S.K., DuBois R.N., 2004. Cancer Cell, 6 (3) pp. 285-295. Peer-reviewed.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-beta as a target for wound healing drugs: what is possible?
Tan N.S., Michalik L., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2003. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, 4 (8) pp. 523-530.
The anti-apoptotic role of PPARbeta contributes to efficient skin wound healing.
Di-Poï N., Michalik L., Tan N.S., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2003. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 85 (2-5) pp. 257-265.
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