Centre intégratif de génomique

Equipe principale | CIG Services communs | Groupe Benton | Groupe Fajas | Groupe Fankhauser | Groupe Franken | Groupe Gambetta | Groupe Gatfield | Groupe Larsch | Groupe Michalik | Groupe Reymond | Groupe Roignant | Groupe van Leeuwen | Groupe Vastenhouw | Groupe Vjestica | Plateforme de biostatistique | Plateforme Genomics Technologies Facility (GTF) | Plateforme Protein Analysis Facility (PAF)
Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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4 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 |
4D Single-particle tracking with asynchronous read-out single-photon avalanche diode array detector.
Bucci A., Tortarolo G., Held M.O., Bega L., Perego E., Castagnetti F., Bozzoni I., Slenders E., Vicidomini G., 2024/07/23. Nature communications, 15 (1) p. 6188. Peer-reviewed.
Sleeping embryonic genomes are awoken by OBOX proteins.
Wu E., Vastenhouw N.L., 2023/08. Nature, 620 (7976) pp. 956-957. Peer-reviewed.
Actin filaments accumulated in the nucleus remain in the vicinity of condensing chromosomes in the zebrafish early embryo.
Oda H., Sato Y., Kawashima S.A., Fujiwara Y., Pálfy M., Wu E., Vastenhouw N.L., Kanai M., Kimura H., 2023/05/15. Biology open, 12 (5) pp. bio059783. Peer-reviewed.
Maternally loaded RNAs: no time to die.
Ugolini M., Vastenhouw N.L., 2022/08. Cell research, 32 (8) pp. 707-708. Peer-reviewed.
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